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We soon received a new order after Dr. Spencer got the full control over Umbrella Corporation. Level 3 phase, Tyrant Project.

Right after the success of Cerberus and Hunter projects, we as the Arklay team determined that in order to experience mutation of this scale, the test subject would require certain genes relating to intelligence.

However, we do not have enough trustworthy manpower to handle such grand plans.

Dr Spencer thought of a way to produce twice the results without draining our brains out, and that is to share the burden with our European counterparts.

We were told to focus on creating physically strong B.O.W.s and they will have to deal with the intellectual aspect of it.

The thought of having to create an ultimate B.O.W., and imagining Y/N gaining such abilities without setbacks, once we perfected the concept, made me feel motivated more than ever.

I woke up early today even though it's Monday and most of the researchers are still in deep slumber.

The shower remains cold even after I switched it to the hottest level, so I had no choice but to wrap a white towel around my waist and check what happened through a phone call.

And of course, no one is answering my calls since it's still dark outside.

The door creaked open as I step out and it echoed throughout the dimmed, empty, carpeted hallway.

The thought of taking a shower in one of the guest rooms came to mind, yet subsequently changed, after I caught a glimpse of a child running towards the stairs by the opposite end.

I had to run back inside to get a bathrobe and id card just in case, and saw the elevator is being held temporarily.

It's on the top floor, where most supplies are being stored for easy access and far from the basement of the laboratory, where bioweapons are being tested constantly.

One of those rooms also houses Y/N, hidden at the secret room in between the storage and security rooms.

There's no way the kid can leave the building at least, since everything needs a specific identification card and code to get in on any of the rooms.

The child was no other than William's two-year-old daughter named Sherry.

She's dressed in her long-sleeved pajamas despite being inside a temperature controlled building at all times.

I followed her through the stairs and arrived just in time as the girl was knocking at Y/N's room.

"Sherry? What are you doing here? You'll catch a cold."

I grab ahold of the kid from the waist but she started kicking and screaming.

The high pitched voice echoed throughout the floor and having my ears in direct contact gave me a headache.

There's no denying that we never had the chance to warm up with each other, since she's always inside her playroom and most likely, she's seeing me as a threat.

"Dada! Dada!!!"

I almost dropped her from her intense wiggling that I did see coming.

However, what's more surprising is the door opening from inside and William shows up frowning.

"Albert? What are you doing here?"

"That's my line."

I gave him his offspring, who surprisingly calmed down.

He reluctantly accepted her in one arm but the girl quickly wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Why did you bring her here?"

"What are you talking about? I just saw her by the stairs."

"Oh. She must've followed me."

"How in the world your child is out here without your knowledge? She knew you were in there."

"I don't know."

"I thought she had her own bedroom? How did she even reach the doorknob?"

"She does. But tonight Annette brought her in our room for observation."

I raised a brow at that statement.

"Your wife is doing a great job."

He sighed and placed the papers he's holding over a desk nearby, then massaged his temples.

"She could have fallen asleep since we've been busy these last few days, due to the latest experiments on G-virus. Annette has no clue but I think this is the virus we're looking for. The one that can bring Y/N back to normal."

"That's great. I'll work on the Tyrant project so you could focus on that."

I entered the room and checked Y/N at the back. She's been here for years yet she still looks the same.

Probably because she's not experiencing constant worries and disappointments like the rest of the crew.

Especially now that her father eventually left her for reasons I couldn't comprehend, I'm glad she doesn't have to deal with it.

"It's incredible that she lasted this long. I sometimes wonder if she is dreaming that she's still with us."

"I actually hope not. There have been reports that people with induced coma suffer from nightmares too."

William only shook his head and approached the bed, as his daughter expressed the need to reach out for her hand.

I gestured William to lead her towards the left side where there is no iv drip needle present, that the kid might accidentally damage.

She gently held her hand as if she already understands what's going on and began communicating with incomprehensible words.

I almost choked at the sight of Y/N's finger having uncontrollable reflex. William immediately checked her vitals before calling her personal doctor.

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