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It didn't take long to reach our first destination.

I already called Captain Irons beforehand to make sure his dogs are well behaved and wouldn't interfere with our small visit.

He assured me that there wouldn't be any problems since the Chief of Police had a meeting with the Mayor and possibly won't come back for the rest of the day.

He happily obliged and met us up on the rooftop.

The man gained a good amount of weight since the last time I saw him, I almost didn't recognize his face under his service cap.

"Welcome gentlemen. May I know what brings you here at this time of the day?"

Irons had to yell every word for them to reach us due to the noise coming from the rotor blades.

I ordered Hunk to stay put while I discuss the reason with our mole in the police department.

"I'm looking for a physiotherapist."

Irons stared at me like he couldn't believe what he just heard.

"Come again?"

"Do you know where I can find a physiotherapist?"

"Yes. I know someone down the road."

"Good. Take us there right now. I need to get back by three."

Irons rubbed his hands together as we walked down the stairs.

He must be expecting a big paycheck for something so simple, considering he's been promoted to a much better position.

The female receptionist quickly moved out of her wooden desk to salute Irons as soon as we arrived at the first floor.

She gave me a slight smile that accompanies direct eye contact, then slowly look down at my dark grey  suits and fixed her gaze at a particular spot on my lower body.

Was she aware that I was observing under my sunglasses? That I'll never know. Not that I care.

"I'll be out for a while. If someone comes looking for me, tell them I'll be back in an hour or so."

"Yes sir."

Irons walked towards the entrance where his car is parked and I immediately followed suit.

Hunk isn't far behind and sat next to me at the back of the black, luxury car.

I fixed my gaze out by the pavement and observed the unsuspecting crowd walking around under their summer umbrellas.

The city has changed since, thanks to Umbrella's generous funding.

The big, but mostly empty town is now filled with establishments where tourists flock, and the subways have expanded to encompass eight stations.

Despite that, many are still laying near the alleys, waiting for someone to fall for their schemes, instead of working to support their needs.

A few minutes later, Irons pulled up in front of a two story building and began taking his police uniform off.

He struggled at first, and the car rocked till he succeeded in getting rid of the top, revealing a white polo shirt inside.

He took us to the empty lobby, and asked the secretary sitting behind a painted white desk if his therapist is available.

"Could you please take us to her?"

To my surprise, she happily obliged without a second thought and lead the way to the second floor, considering the fact that there's a man in full battle gear walking behind me.

She politely knocked on the door and the woman inside spoke to let us in.

"Wait here."

Hunk only nodded at me and stood next to the door.

"Good afternoon Brian! I thought you said you'll come back on Saturday?"

Irons just laughed and introduced me to the woman dressed in an unbuttoned long, white coat, over a low v-neckline black velvet blouse and leather miniskirt.

"Yes, but my friend here wants to have a massage. Please give him everything you can offer to make him happy."

I couldn't help but raise a brow at him.

"Who said I came here for a therapy?"

"But aren't you the one looking for a therapist?"

"Yes. However, I am only here to observe. So better lay down and let her show me how it's done."

Irons' reluctance to this simple job is quite irritating. My clock is ticking and I don't want Y/N to wait.

The girl immediately prepared the bed and undressed him down to his white shirt and boxer shorts.

She demonstrated how to properly find pressure points and where it is connected, while showing me a graph.

She let me try to press on the opposite lower leg and Irons did not even hesitate to cry out loud, causing Hunk to come barging in.

"What the actual fuck?"

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