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As soon as William closed the door, I felt the need to hold Y/N's hand and observe if that reflex isn't just a product of my imagination.

Sherry on the other hand, laid her cheek on the peacefully sleeping woman's palm and tried to move it, as if she's wanting Y/N to caress her face or pat her head.

It's a sweet gesture, however, I'm totally confused with the toddler's actions since it gives me the impression that she's already accustomed into doing it.

William must've been dragging his daughter in here without my knowledge for whatever reason, which is extremely dangerous in my opinion.


"Sherry, come here."

I had to cut the delusion forming inside her head before it becomes a mess that William won't be able to mend.


A low groan came from Y/N's direction. Sherry jerked her head up and attempted to climb over the bed.

I quickly grabbed her before she accidentally pulls the iv needle off and cause terrible damage and pain on Y/N's veins.

The high pitched whining is both a blessing and a curse, since it woke Y/N up after all those years.

Her half-closed eyes took time to open completely but the wait was all worth it.

However, she proved that my theory is right.

"Where... am I... ?"

Only her eyes moved as she tried to check her surroundings.

"You're inside a new laboratory."

She slowly followed my voice and stared uncomfortably long at me struggling to hold a small kid.

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