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A few days later William got transferred to the training facility without a hitch.

He joined the fresh graduates, all of which had above average IQ from random schools Umbrella Pharmaceutical executives themselves have recommended, to replace the ones the company have lost.

The co-founder Dr. James Marcus whom was appointed director of the facility accepted them with high hopes of becoming a part of his new research project.

Y/N however had issues due to her volunteer work and I had to babysit her while she's asking for everyone's support.

"Y/N, does that mean we'll never see you around again?"

A bunch of children under age of ten in an orphanage have gathered around her and weeped like they just lost a family member.

Makes sense since she does feed them with home-cooked meals on a weekly basis from her own pocket money.

She hunkered down and patted some of them on the head. Her face might not show it, but her voice cracked as she speak.

"Of course not."

Her knee-length light blue floral skirt's hem lying over the dusty wooden floor got pushed up when some of the girls standing at the back suddenly hugged her and refused to let go.

I accidentally got a glimpse of almost the entirety of her smooth legs. She fixed it as quickly as possible but it's already unnecessarily stuck in my memory.

"I had to go because it's free. I can save money to help you in so many ways."

Seeing how the kids are getting even more upset, one of the nuns managing the establishment came to her aid and wiped off one of the girls' messy face with a white handkerchief.

"She just needs to stay in a boardinghouse to avoid getting late for school. It's too far from home and there's no form of transportation to use on a daily basis."

"Why don't you ask your boyfriend to take you to school?"

At first I didn't think the tallest boy was referring to me. Y/N has a lot of acquaintances and it's not unlikely for her to develop an interest with any of her friends.

I was also wondering if she's dating someone in secret that could cause a problem in the future, until he pointed his finger directly onto the wooden chair I was sitting on in the living room.

"H-he's not my boyfriend..."

Y/N frantically grabbed his hand down and turned around. They all embraced her like petals of a flower and begged her to come by often.

I had to bring the conversation to a close before things escalate further where she ends up blurting out the real reason why we've been entangled in the first place.

"We have to leave now before it gets dark."

She slowly stood up and sniffed quietly. The nun wished her luck and the children had no choice but to follow suit.

I called Alex to help fetch us up by air instead of traveling by car. It's easier to hide the facility's location that way and harder for her to remember the route back home, in case she feels the need to escape.

I helped carry her suitcase into the chopper and strap it in place while she got in on her own.

In normal circumstances I sit next to the pilot, however, in this situation I had to fix her headset, seatbelt and shoulder hardness in place to ensure her safety from turbulence or sudden maneuvers.

Fortunately she's calm despite it's her first time but I had a hard time doing such a simple task due to the small gap between our faces.

She's facing the left side, I suppose to avoid eye contact but in return the soft sweet scent coming from her neck is more exposed to my nose and the comfort it brings is a bit intoxicating.

The pilot lifting the aircraft up from the vacant lot near the orphanage brought me back to my senses. I sat at the back and kept my distance from her.

The silence between us is as deafening as the chopper's blades beating air into submission.

The only thing that makes the ride better was the mixed orange and purplish glow of scattered clouds, preceded by a yellow arch hugging the horizon.

Upon our arrival, I offered her a bedroom next to mine at the 4th floor so I could easily monitor her actions.

"Albert... may I ask you something?"

Y/N spoke as soon as we've entered her bedroom. I turned around after putting her suitcase next to the bed near the window.


"I just wanna know what happened to my case?"

"There is no case. Alex already took care of it."

"What do you mean?"

"She disposed it."

I found the shock on her face amusing.

"What if some immediate family member comes along and investigate? If they find out about the truth, they'll come after me..."

"Then you better be ready. I know someone in the security department who trains students in close combat, long range weapons and survival skills. They provide the corporation their security forces against terrorist attempts."

Perhaps that's the best option we have. She's going to be isolated from William and perfectly hidden from Dr. Spencer as well. Last but not the least, Hunk is there to look out for her and report everything back to me.

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