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The next day Y/N's father didn't waste time to cause trouble when he reported his daughter missing.

Turns out she's really the people's girl and almost everyone in the neighborhood accepted the call for help after being issued an AMBER alert, despite the lack of enough descriptive information on Y/N's current situation.

They made it on the news and someone reported soon after that William was seen along with her entering the woods.

The fact that he's also missing made it worse and gave them more reason to believe that there's an imminent danger lurking in there.

Dr. Spencer called and scolded me for bringing her along. Her grades aren't as impressive as ours and her upbringing is totally opposite of his motto in life.

I couldn't think of an excuse without letting him know what really happened. And for some reason I didn't report what I've witnessed.

He expressed disappointment and ordered for me to resolve it as quickly as I can.

After pondering for a while, the only solution I could think of is revise my original plan to make appointments to with their parents.

Instead, I'll bring Y/N and William back to the community and pretend that nothing happened.

Better than dispose her and make an enemy out of William. There's nothing to gain and much to lose from that point.

However, there are risks I will have to deal with if they're left alone so I ended up accompanying them wherever they go.

At least until the dust settles and they officially signed some contract to study under Dr. Marcus's supervision.


Her father run as fast as he could as soon as the car made a full stop in front of their house. He hugged her over the pavement and she rested her chin over his shoulder.

"Dad... I can't breathe..."


He let her go and wiped his own tears. So dramatic. She was out of his sight for a day or two. One of which is on his own accord. I fought the urge to shake my head in disbelief.

"I was so worried when no one could tell your whereabouts... I deeply regret leaving you alone."

"I-I'm sorry dad. William and I went stargazing. It was my fault we lost our way back because I wandered too far and... Albert helped us get out. They're my schoolmates."

"Thank God both of you are safe."

He smiled widely and offered us to have lunch together.

"Wait, I have to inform the cops so that they can contact the boy's parents."

"It's alright. They're probably too busy with their business to even realize I was missing."

Everyone was temporarily silenced by William's statement but the arrival of some neighbors began to turn the volume up.

There's an absolute need to stay near her at all times while maintaining my distance.

Everyone and their mother alternately questioned her about her brief absence and every single time she remained consistent on the story we agreed she'd speak of.

Two hours later the herd finally thinned out.

William's parents arrived and are sitting in the living room, reprimanding him for the stunt he did which made him run away towards the kitchen, out to the backyard.

I suppose he's embarrassed to be treated like the kid he is, not just in front of the girl he likes but also around her father.

I apologized on his behalf and requested for them to give him space for now.

"You're such a sweet boy. How old are you?"

"Fifteen ma'am."

"So young and yet so calm. I wish William would mature as soon as possible and stop giving us problems all the time."

His father quietly took his eyeglasses off and rubbed his temples. He looked so done and I completely understand why.

"If you don't mind I would like to ask for your approval for William to transfer into an Umbrella Executive Training School and laboratory complex located in the Arklay Mountains at least eight miles north of Raccoon City."

"What for?"

William's father asked curiously.

"Its primary focus was as a boarding school for child prodigies who will be taught and disciplined to become the next generation of executives, well versed in both business and scientific fields."

"How do you know all these?"

"I was selected by one of them and I thought it might be better if William gets the best form of education and better environment as well. I've witnessed a lot of misbehavior going on in our current school that might've contributed to his lack of discipline."

"Honey, isn't that amazing? Once they graduate he'll be working at the Umbrella company."

William's mother expressed great pleasure and soon enough his father showed interest on how to make it happen.

"They shall send you an application form, request for school transcripts and proof of guardianship. Last but not the least, the whole training program is completely free."

I can see the light shine in their eyes hearing the last phrase. Who in their right mind would refuse that?

Y/N's father eagerly joined the conversation while at the corner of my eye, I saw a glimpse of Y/N going to the backyard carrying a basket of sandwiches.

"Son, is that true?"

"Yes sir."

"Do you think my daughter has a chance to get in? Her grades are consistent and she's very hardworking too."

I contemplated for a moment. She clearly is suited to be in a different career and Dr. Spencer wants to get rid of her as much as I did.

However, the situation has changed and she needs to be isolated from her family and friends to prevent the truth from spreading far and wide.

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