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'We are life itself and life possesses beauty and peace within the desire of the heart.'

I can't believe two weeks have gone now. I've spent almost two weeks in this country and I haven't cried once since I got here nor had I ever felt lonely and sad as I thought my life would look.

Yes, I told myself to not have fun in this country and I am still keeping it like that. these past two weeks, I could only be found in the embassy and not anywhere else. I've been doing the work well with my Mr. Royal and things aren't as tight as they were, when I started somehow I didn't know how I was going to ask him to still allow me to hang out in the embassy now that school is starting.

I don't know where to start from.
asking him about it because even though things got loosened up around him over the past days we've spent together. He has always taken his work seriously and I've had two weeks to see it for myself.

Knock. knock.

"Is that them lily Samantha?" I get on my feet to go get the door.
It's Saturday night and we are waiting for Mom, Sav, and Simmons. They have been gone all the time since the other day they dropped off at the embassy and because of school starting on Monday, they had to wrap up their trip from where it was.

I open the door and crash into my brother's arms. I didn't even know I missed him this much or if it's just that I am happy for no reason.

"Ease up there, you don't want to crash me before I get a chance of driving Rwandan girls crazy." He says that and I tighten my arms around his neck too tight than they were but I stop when I hear him choke and release him.

Savannah comes next following him and we made peace the following day they went on, so I get into her arms and hug her tightly too.
"I've missed you so much Sav," she hugs me back and when we pull away she kisses me on the cheek.

"I've missed you too, Samantha." We pull away and she gets in the house too. My mom comes later behind them with a bunch of bags that have different unique designs I haven't seen before.

I run into her arms and hug her too. "You guys, I've missed you all so much. Don't ever leave us alone." She doesn't hug me back because her hands are full of bags she is holding.

"You and your dad are the same. Hard to negotiate with, if you would have come with us in the first place you wouldn't be crying now." We pull away and she wipes away the tears that fell from my eyes, why am I this emotional?

I take some of the bag from her hands and we make our way into the house, dad is still in the kitchen making dinner for us.

We put the bags on the table in the living room while Mom takes off to the kitchen to see my father. On the other side, I start looking in the bags to see what is in there.

I am not satisfied with what I find in the bags but I am not also disappointed either because it would have made me happier, if there were snacks and food but it's not and I can't complain either way because there is clothes and other designed cute things. I reach for the clothes and start measuring them on me.

My mother walks into the living room again.
"Lily Samantha, those things are not all yours."
I jumped from my seat causing some of the things that were in my hands to fall on the floor because she scared me to death.

When I understand what she said I find myself frowning. "Why aren't they mine, mom?" She gives me a pointed look.

"Because you are not the only person in this world." I roll my eyes because everything for her is an opportunity to lesson me or us about whatever.

"Yes ma'am, now may I see what are mine and what are not?"

"Easier to grant." I chuckle at how ridiculous we sound.

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