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'Funny how you may desire things that you haven't tested before as much as you would think you would run mad if you were not granted them.'

Samantha Lily Adams

I have always known from the beginning that Samantha was much wiser and too clever for her age but it doesn't seem to faze me any lesser when I always see her pull that side of her out.

But knowing she is also much wiser for her age doesn't also take the guilt off of my chest knowing what I am doing is not good.

I feel like pulling her to me is a selfish act that I could ever do to her but my heart's desires are always on a different path and different doing ever since it found its home here.
But it's a home that always feels like I don't deserve it.

I look at Samantha and I wonder what would make her think like that? Am I taking advantage of her that much that it looks like that to her?

What would cause her to assume like that?


"No, no Samantha it is not like that." He says and I frown at him because I do not understand it.

"Yes, I paid this place for a year but I do not intend to ask you to move in with me because I am not moving here either."

"Then what is it for?" He sighs looking like he doesn't know how to put it in words for me. I sigh eager to know what is going on.
I look at him as I wait for him to say something but he just looks away from my gaze.

"I paid for this for you. Listen I know you don't want to be here and like you told me you don't want to create memories in this country, I heard that and I respect it. But this resort is not owned by someone from this country. It is just a branch and I thought being here and making memories from here could give you a sense that differ while being here." He says and I smile at him.

I've had an understanding of it a little when he started explaining but hearing just those beautiful words and consideration from him makes my heart melt.

"I like the idea," I say and he looks surprised.

"You do?" I nod my head excitedly.

"I love places like these too." He finally smiles at me and I walk into his arms and hug him.

We pull away and I lean in to kiss him.
He brings his hands on my cheeks and tugs my lips on his.
He deepens the kiss by kissing me with his tongue in my mouth devouring me wholly.

I feel the desire to get some air to my lungs and he pulls back from my lips when he feels it too but he moves his lips down to my jawline.
I move my head to the side giving him enough access to my neck.

I feel tingles fill my body when I feel him sucking on my skin just behind my ear. A desirable moan comes from my lips.

I could feel the heat in between my legs. The desire to get the attention there becomes so overbearing to me. As ridiculous as it sounds this is my first time feeling like that.

"Kai," I call desperately and he stops and pulls back.
I open my closed eyes and look at him.

"Why did you stop?"
He moves his hand to my neck and I love the firm grip he grips it that is not hard enough to choke me.

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