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Truth is what everyone wants it to be.

Savannah Lilac Adams

The moment my twin sister, the sister that is said to have shared a womb with me. Rubbed herself with the guy she knows I wanted to be mine ever since we got here in front of my eyes, I lost it for her that same moment.

That time few days before Christmas, she just didn't realize what she signed herself up for when she did what she did with her little friends.

I knew her little dirty secret but I realized it was time I uncovered the covered.

For how long was I even to live under her shadow, things have been like they were always supposed to be back home and since we got here. I don't know where I went wrong and she went right but it was time to correct that.

I realized that time she went to the western part of this country.
I did my research and realized she was in the highest-paid resort there that I knew neither she, Lucas nor her sister would afford.

Not even when they all combined their allowances would that ever happen?

So I knew it might have been about the mystery guy that I saw her with in the hotel where I also learned she loved spending her time at.

So the past few months I did my research on her as she lived carefully that it hit me she was fooling around with her boss just under daddy's nose. I did my research so well if I may say that I ended up innovating for her the spicy drama that I know she could have enjoyed realistically but unfortunately for her, she was going to live them in fantasies.

I had been exactly waiting for a perfect time like this to have my so-called shared womb sister taste the medicine of her actions and recently it came knocking on my door.

"I can not believe you," I say to my sister as I look at the feeling of disbelief filling her face.

Wait, dear sister, the surprise of the night is still on the way.

But I have to be thankful because I don't know what I would have done to make this look way much worse like it's about if she was not to protesting like she is now. Just perfect like how I wanted it to be, she is falling in my bait, stupid girl.
But thank you, Sam. Unlike someone, I am grateful for what people does for me.

"What?" She asks looking at all of us.

"I just want to stay to keep doing what I do is that too much to ask?" I sneakily roll my eyes.

"Plus Yarrow is going, isn't he,"
He nods his head. "Oh, yes I am. Even though I can handle this remembering memorial time we are heading into for the country. I think staying can be my option too."

"See, we can all handle it. Sav if you can't please don't make a fuss about it and go for the time being and spend it with grandparents but I am not leaving the country." She says before she turns her back on us and walks out of the living room upstairs probably to her room.

I sigh and walk to sit next to my mother not saying anything.

"Lilac Savannah, don't worry. Don't make this a big deal like your sister just said sweetie and just go spend this time with your grandparents." I raise my eyes to my father's.
I have always been good with getting what I want especially with my folks.
I know how to get through them perfectly.

"It's... it's not that I feel safer with my sister around dad, I..." I pause a little to add a little dramatic sigh.
I look at my mother beside me, then Yarrow, and then back at Dad.

I feel a pat on my back so I turn to smile sadly at my mother.
"I just want to protect her," I say as I bring my hands up to cover my face.
It does not take long before I have tears in my eyes. The good actor that I am, I should not be wasting this talent of mine.

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