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'The reality of the world makes it that our dreams are crashed but our ambition makes it that we make it through everything.'

I grab my school bag from where it lays on the passenger seat of my car and get out of the car. I check that I am leaving all doors closed before heading into the house and when I confirm that the doors are locked. I walk into the house and find my father and Yarrow sitting in the living room chatting the night away casually.

"Hey guys," I say as I drop my bag on the floor and take a seat beside my dad on the couch. He leans toward me and presses a kiss on my cheek which I return with a smile.

I snuggle myself in his arms the way I used to do when I was a child and I have faced a bad day.
He puts his arms around me, putting me close to him and I smile.

My mom walks into the living room with Savannah behind her, they walk around to the other couch facing the one I am sitting on with my dad, leaving Simmons sitting on the one facing the fireplace.

"Hey mom, how are you feeling?" She smiles at me and nods her head.
"I am doing good. Okay, I am glad that you are finally here, I don't want to waste a lot of your time. I know you are all tired so let me get to the point before I even doze off myself." She says the last part in a joking way which makes my father's chest vibrate from chuckling at her joke and so do we three, we smile at her joke but our smiles have something to do with how true it is than it being just a joke.

My mother has been weak and sleepy since she learned the news of her being pregnant and maybe I think it's due to the fact of her being pregnant at a late age. I've read lines about it being harmful to both the mother and the baby's health and I can't say the least about it because I've already seen symptoms of being unhealthy on my mother.

She clears her throat bringing my attention back to her. "I am going back to America. Lily Samantha, I was hoping for you to go there with me and it's permanent." I turn around to look at my family confused. Did I just hear that correctly?' I pull myself away from my father's chest.
Slowly and surely, I slip away from his hold and I sit upright thinking that being in an appropriate position could lead me to misunderstand what is going on.

"Ivy, we didn't agree on that." My dad says beside me and I turn to look at him. He looks annoyed and somehow angry, I turn to look at my mother and she has the same expression on her face.

"I am not going to argue with you about the health of mine and my baby," Mom says back to Dad and I frown. Are they still arguing about her leaving?

"My baby too Ivy, our baby, and don't make it sound like I am disregarding the health of it and you. Just because I want to take care of you closely does that paint me the bad guy?"
My mother shakes her head and is starting to feel like, I and my siblings shouldn't be here to listen to this conversation.

"That doesn't make you a bad guy but not caring about your wife's needs makes you a bad husband."

"Do you realize that you moving back to America, it's you erasing me from our baby's life?" The pain in my father's voice makes me turn to look at him as I reach for his hand and hold it in my small ones and give it a comforting squeeze.

Out in a silenced living room, we hear a sniffle from my mother. I turn to her and I frown when I find her crying.

My dad stands up and walks to her, he takes her in his arms.
"Stop crying Ivy, I wasn't trying to make you cry?" She sniffles as she wipes the tears with her fingers.

"How can I not when you are pinning me as the bad guy? I know you aren't but so me too Barney, I am not a bad guy here." She says sobbing. I turn to look at my siblings and we share a look.

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