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'Love can help a soul to mature quickly.'

I drive to the embassy with a frown on my lips because I am not understanding what just took place in my car for even a second. The last twenty-something minutes I don't know if it were even me in the first place. Because I always know what I want and what I don't want, it's not like me at all being indecisive.

I drive while pep-talking myself into stopping whatever is going on between me and Lucas, I know it's nothing and probably I am making it in my head but no matter what, the thoughts of him have to stop before they turn into reality.

It took me thirty minutes to get him to his house and to drive back to the embassy, I was pulling into the parking lot when my phone started ringing.

"Good afternoon Mr. Royal." It's Kai calling and it hits me just how Late I might be because of stupid Lucas. I feel like punching something, I am always striving to be punctual at this job but of course, now I guess someone has to witness the worst part of me for getting me into this after am done with my boss.

"Samantha, I am sorry that I didn't notify you of the change that happened today, I hope I am not late." I purse my lips wondering what could have been changed, I compose myself as I start expecting for the worst.

"Samantha, I hope you are not at the embassy of yet because today I took a day off, I got caught up and I forgot to tell you about it."

"Are you okay Mr. Royal?" I find myself asking him and I get the surprise that shocks him from my question when he takes a long time to answer. What was that?.

"Yes, I am. Nothing to worry about, you should go home and rest too." I nod my head disappointedly because, it's now I am realizing how much I looked up on seeing him, sitting in his office looking sexy and hot as always.
"Yes Mr. Royal," I say after an awkward silence on the call.

"Take care of yourself, Samantha."
"Have a nice evening then," We hang up the call and I lean back in the driver's seat and close my eyes because I am feeling depressed now.

If it's due to the fact of being reprieved the right of getting in the embassy because I can't just go in there and stand there doing nothing or if it's due to the fact that, maybe somewhere deep in me, I am always looking up at seeing Kai and now that he is not here I am sad about it, but whatever it is, I don't want it to be the last option, it can't be the last one though.
Because if it is then it would be doomed.

I open my eyes and look at the building behind my car through the rearview mirror and sigh. I decide to check on my father before going home, can't just drive all the way here for nothing.

I get out of the car, close the door behind me and walk to the building. I am busy checking for my phone that I threw in my school bag that I do not see a car coming over my way.

I am pulled back to it by the sound it makes, which gets me to freeze when I realize it's heading my way, I lose my breathing as I watch everything in slow motion, the driver is trying to hit the brakes as earlier as she can but it doesn't stop the car from stopping right beside my toes. I almost hit the ground but a security guard held me in time before I hit the floor.

I feel arms on me helping me down on the floor, I feel someone putting a water bottle on my lips but I am not in my senses to realize what is going on beside me, the person makes me drink some of the water and sprays some on my face and it wakes my brain.

I open my eyes in an instant to find my head leaning on the security guard's lap, I raise my eyes and they meet Leila's eyes that are looking down at me with fear in them.

"Samantha thank God you are okay, you don't know how much you just freaked me out. I thought I just killed you." She says all that while having me in her arms, I am still processing what just happened because I remember one minute standing in front of a non-stopping crazy car and the other waking up with my head laying on a security guard.

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