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Life is colorful and so bright when we only fight for paints with fate.

The next morning I wake up feeling energetic and pretty good.

Well, last night went perfectly and wildly good than I pictured it going.
I don't know why I had a very bad feeling that I was going to mess it up somehow but it surprisingly went very well.

I know Kai loved it very much.
I could tell because of the look of pure priceless he had in his blue eyes that he loved it.

My phone rings up with a text and a frown creeps on my face.
It has been blowing up crazily since last night and none other than Big Mouth bothering me for no reason.

He told me he wanted to take Kai out clubbing on his birthday and I know Kai is not a clubbing guy.
Why can't he leave me now that the birthday is over?
I reach for my phone and text him.

Samantha: Please stop draining my phone's battery with your unstoppable message.
Last night I took Kai out for dinner.
It's up to you if you feel like you have to take him to your clubs or whatever.

I hit send because I know Kai is not going anywhere.

We are leaving for our northwest getaway place, where is Big Mouth going to find him?
I just hope he stops calling and texting me.

I park my car and make my way out to Leila's house, I am about to ring her door when she opens it and smiles.

"Good morning girl." She says taking me in her arms.
I smile as I hug her back.

"Good morning Leila."
We pull away and her smile widens when she looks me up and down to my feet.

"Babe, we are wearing the same outfit." She says and I look down at her too.
It's missing a little something to be similar but you could say we are pulling the same styles.

I am wearing a black cropped jacket with black sports leggings that I added white stockings that reach just above my ankles with sneakers.
While Leila is wearing black sport leggings with a white cropped nike top.
She only has white stockings too below the leggings.

I laugh at it.
"You just can't help yourself from copying everything from me," I say to tease her as I make my way inside their house and she narrows her eyes at me.

"You wish, girl I am a girl whose Instagram page got verified. How can I cope with you about clothing?" She says and I chuckle.

"Remind me again when that happened, was it about a year to come or few more years to come?" I ask.

"I think if I remember correctly, it's ten years to come," Lucas says from somewhere that I know is in the kitchen and I laugh.

"You definitely remembered it correctly," I say and Leila groans.

"Whatever, just so both of you know that you won't be getting anything from me once instagram starts paying me." She says and we laugh out again.

People have weird dreams.
How can you dream of being paid by Instagram?

She passes by me and walks to the kitchen but I follow behind closely.
Lucas is the one making breakfast.
"Your parents aren't back yet?" I ask them and Leila turns to shake her head.

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