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You are your home.

I look at Joshua and I do not doubt in my mind that it would be so wise of me to abort myself from this.
But again he hits me where it's hard to turn away from when he senses my hesitation.

"Listen, he is in the gym as we talk of right now and he can come back out at any second but here is his sister's number. He would kill me if he heard that I talked to her even if it's about his birthday because first, he doesn't celebrate them."

Not like I blame him.

"Okay then, give me his sister's number and I will talk to her in the meantime I will catch you up to what we are doing," I say and he hands me a paper.

"Your number, pretty baby." He calls me that and I crunch my face in disgust.

"Oh and if you want us to work together on this, you better stop calling me shit and being all flirty with me. Boy, I am taken." I say and he dramatically cheers silently.

"Woah, does your father know you are taken?" He asks and I shoot him a glare before I write my number down for him.

"Text me his sister's number, so that I get your number too." I ignore his question and turn around and walk to Kai's suite.

He gave me the key to his room so I will be getting free passes whenever I come and true to that jerk's words, he is not here.

I walk to the balcony and just feel the wind blow my face and it takes half an hour for him to make his way in.

"Samantha?" I hear him come in, and he starts calling me like he knows, I am here.

I want to hide but I realize he will just see me because the curtains are see-throughs.
So I walk back inside.

"Hey." He is looking from his room when I walk back in.
He smiles at me when his eyes meet mine.

I walk to him and he meets me halfway before I lean in and kiss him on the lips.
He cups my cheek and kisses me the way I like.

We pull away and he pulls some hair out of my face.
"Joshua told me you met him." He says and I frown in confusion.

Didn't we agree on communicating secretly till after the birthday at least?

I would love to deny that but I am pretty sure Big Mouth, confirmed everything. He probably even told him everything we talked about.

I just nod my head not wanting to talk more on the subject.
"That guy talks a lot of unclean words, it would be good to keep your distance." I smile when he says that.

"Is that the jealousy I smell on you?" I ask as I pretend to bring my nose closer to his neck and smell him.

"Oh, I am so jealous because I know his way around women and I would hate him if he was to even try with you." He says and I smile.

"Guys like those aren't my typical go-to guys," I say. "Plus, don't you trust me?" I ask him and he moves in closer to my neck and sucks on the skin there but not hard enough to bring a hickey.

"Of course, I trust my underaged girlfriend but I would like to ask her something." He says before he pulls back and looks at me.

Love met in the wrong placeWhere stories live. Discover now