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It was the most wonderful of all.

Sunday morning, I feel like a princess not because of anything but because of a certain man's influence in my life.

I slept in, well because last night the night got so young that we didn't realize how time already left us.

Kai brought me home so late in the night but so early in the morning when the sky was still dark.

My dad was the only one still awake to get me inside.
I heard him express his gratitude to Kai for stepping in his absence and for getting me home safely.

I had a smile on my face while standing at my dad's side, him being thankful to my boyfriend without him even knowing made me feel things.
I always thought that if me and Kai were to be open to my family regarding our relationship that it would be hell breaking loose but with how my dad was acting last night, I realized that there might be the possibility of it not being that bad.

However keeping it a secret feels amazing too, it feels sneakily good.
Kai nodded his head all the time not having his eyes on me and only did when he said good night to us.

I wanted to jump in his arms and introduce him to my father right on the spot but he did everything in his power to act professional. I was not about to act differently and waste his act away.

I wake up and first take a shower before I walk downstairs.
My family is all settled in the dinning room having breakfast.

"Good morning family," I say to them and my mother smiles at me.

"Good morning sweetie, why is it I feel like I haven't seen you in like, forever?" She asks and I only smile at her knowingly.

"I second that," Yarrow says too and I purse my lips in a firm line wondering what they are trying to say. It's true lately I have been occupied with a certain man but Jesus. He gave me an unwanted time off last week to spend it with my family, what are they implying?

"I feel like I haven't seen you guys in years too especially you my brother and sister," I say pointing my index finger at the both of them.

"Well, we are talented so untalented people really can't keep up with us. Savannah back me up here." He says to Savannah but she just shrugs and says nothing. Okay,weird. What happened?
Weren't she all over the talent show a few days ago?

"Ouch, I wonder where you get your talents from sometimes, you are so grumpy lately," Yarrow says to Savannah when she doesn't say anything but she still doesn't reply to him.

I look at her and I think about what Leila and Lucas say about her.
Could it be true?

Every time it comes to Savannah I just have mixed feelings about her. She is my twin sister, how could I suspect of her of anything bad really?
But again... boy, it's just— I am in between when it comes to her.

"Anyway guys, I feel like we haven't spent time together for like in years. We should go out today as a family." Mom says and Yarrow replies again.

"I second that again." He says again,
I smile at my mom before I say. "I third that too."

She smiles nodding her head.
"We should go shopping for the baby's things, then have brunch outside and do whatever the hell we used to do back then when we used to go out as a family. Barney darling what do you say?" Dad shrugs at mom.

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