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When one gets treated with love will they learn how to love too.

I don't know if what I am doing is right or wrong but really, I don't even know if I still have it in me to realize what is right or wrong anymore.
Lucas got into my head and as I tried to think about what he told me, I could feel my head spinning to almost shutting down.

I don't want to consider that my sister that I shared the same womb with at the same time, that we share the same features, same genes is capable of getting jealous of me.
I mean what is that, that I have that she wants? And the sad part about everything is that I can't ask her, where do you start by questioning that?

Do you just pop in their face and be like. Hey, sav are you jealous of me?
What is it that I have that you want?

I kept going around in circles and just finding myself right where I started till I decided Lucas and my stupid brother were crazy and maybe my sister is just not happy like I was.

Maybe I don't know, she also doesn't want to be here and maybe she is taking her frustrations out on me.
That makes sense much more than the doubt that those guys put in my head.

I hear loud footsteps on the floor and when I raise my eyes to Kai, I am reminded of another doubt in my head.
I said yes to meet him and I drove here to his hotel where he stays and waited for him at the restaurant.

Now I see him walking towards me in his black well-polished shoes that he wore with black dress pants that he toped with a black shirt that hugs him so manly and makes him look so poetic or more like a statue art.
I look at him and it hits me then, who am I to deprive myself of such a man like him?

I really am crazy, where was my mind?

"Hey, I hope I didn't make you wait for me much longer?" He asks as he moves closer to me and kisses me on the cheek.

His cologne fills my nose and I find myself breathing it in.

He pulls back and walks to sit in front of me. I would much rather have him beside me than a few feet away from me.

"Have you ordered already?" He asks but my mind is not with his question because I am still wondering where my brain was when I ran out on him like I did.

"Samantha?" He calls my name and I blink out of it.
I reach for the glass of water on the table and take big sips from it before I put it back down on the table.

"What is bothering you?"

"I want to be in a relationship with you too." I hear myself blurt.


I get on my feet and start pacing right behind the chair I was sitting on.

"I am confused Kai, it's like I am not realizing the world anymore, nor am I catching up with it either. I don't know things anymore, everything has been confusing ever since we got here. Then there is this stupid pact I made with myself to not allow myself to lead or have anything good from this country, in case it was going to deprive me of the desire I felt of going back. It's more like like I wanted to show my parents that they ruined my life, they made me miserable ever since they brought me here. But Kai,"

Love met in the wrong placeWhere stories live. Discover now