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'Oh, the future we dreamed of is fading to black.
Oh there is nothing more painful, nothing more painful.'

After we headed in the car, I knew I was not going to need to be home tonight.

I feel emotionally drained.
Gorillas are such rare animals for sure, they are the type of creatures that would make you want to be with them all your life.

One thing I noticed about them and got to learn today is the bond they share among them as a family.
They love one another so adorably like no other animal that I have ever seen.

We get back to the villa so late, when the sun has already set.
We walk in quietly because I want to lie down and just let my emotions run all over the place.

Kai walks me to the living room and sits me down on the sofa in there.
"I will order some quick dinner and request for the helicopter to take us back to the city." He says and turns to walk away but I reach for his hand.

"No, order for food but the helicopter don't bother, I want to stay the night with you." I want to be with him because apart from the new love I have developed for the gorillas, Kai is the other thing to me that is making me feel things I haven't figured out yet, so I feel like being with him would be my best option to calm my all over the place emotions.
Plus he promised to take me back to the gorillas tomorrow.

"What?" He asks and I frown.
"You don't want me to?" I ask back and it would kill me and break me down if he was to say yes.
I look up at him and watch as he brings his hand behind his head and scratches the back of his head.

"Where are you going to tell your parents that you are staying the night?" He asks.

"I already told them, I am staying at Leila's."

"And it's fine with you to lie to them?" He asks and I look away.
Will he feel great by eating me up with the guilt?

I do not like lying to my parents because it's something I don't take much pleasure in.

"I don't Kai, but I want to be with you, is that a bad thing to want? Plus you promised me tomorrow we will see the gorillas again." I say trying to point out as many options as I can for him to see that we have to stay the night.

"We could always fly, it's a twenty-minute flight."
He says and I get on my feet and stare at him.

"You don't want to stay the night with me that badly?" I ask not being able to hide the hurt in my voice.
Why is it he keeps neglecting my desires like they don't matter?

He steps closer to me puts his both palms on my cheeks and raises my face to look up at him.
"I want to stay the night with you darling, but not at the cost of you lying to your parents baby." He says and I know he is right.

"So do you want me to tell them that I have a boyfriend and now I want to stay the night with him?" I ask and he looks away.
He tries to pull his hands away but I hold them back with mine.

"Please don't feel bad about me lying to them, I know it's hard but I am capable of doing so, so please do it for me and be too, because if you make me go home tonight, it's them or me. One of us will be feeling bad tonight." I say and he looks into my eyes again.

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