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'The truth was that I still found no home in the face of the earth.'

"Welcome home little bitch." The words ring louder than any other words as they come from my sister's lips.

Not being surprised would be considered a sin at this point.

"Everything alright?"
I look at the look in my sister's eyes and it makes me feel so many things, the way she stands in front of me looking at me like a little piece of shit she is disgusted at, to me it's like I don't know her. She doesn't look like the sister I grew up with in the moment.

"Everything alright?" She repeats my words with an annoyed frown on her face. "Samantha look I am tired and so overwhelmed with your two faces here that looking at you makes me want to vomit. You could pretend to my parents as much as you want but not to me so drop the fucking act with me, we are not shooting a show here." I knew my sister was a tough cookie but she never once targeted this side of her on me.

I've always heard stories of her being like this to so many other students but now I am wondering what I did to bring out the worst in her.

"I am not following here Sav." She rolls her eyes and steps closer to where I am standing.

"I am telling you while I am still talking to fuck the fuck off from my life and Lucas'. You don't want to see what I would do if you don't." she hisses at me before she storms and walks back into the house.

I look at her disappearing figure and it drowns on me that I might have been scolded for Lucas' sake.
But what confuses me is that. I don't own the guy.

I pull my phone from my back and ring him as I also walk in.

"Hello Samantha, I didn't think you would call me this much as soon as you got my number." I try not to want to smack his stupid grin off of his face that I am a hundred percent sure he has on his face as we talk and go to what I just called him for.

"What did you say to my sister when you talked to her earlier?"

"What do you mean? I apologized like you told me to do?" I roll my eyes because I don't want to be in the mood of being taken from here and there. I am already carried away by life too much.
"Drop the acts Lucas and tell me."

"Why do you think I talked to her then if not apologized, I don't know what you heard but just know that I did apologize as you forced me to Anyway talk to you later, I am practice so I am hanging up." Like that, he hangs up on me.
I stand in the living room and stare at my blank screen in disbelief.

What just happened?

"Lily Samantha, what was the noise I heard of you and your sister arguing about?" I look at my mother and sigh.

"Good evening mom." She walks closer and takes a seat on the couch.
She is still in her early pregnancies, I don't think she is showing because you can't tell by just looking at her that she is pregnant. But the toll it's taking on her for being pregnant in her late forties, it's something we all get to witness.

"Nothing much, it was all about school drama and gossip," I say and she turns to look at me. She pauses and stares at me before asking.
"Are you two alright?"

I nod. "Yeah, why would you think otherwise?" She shrugs her shoulders resting her arm over her flat belly.
"I don't know. Maybe you two might be facing some troubles at school and not sharing them with us, I mean me and your father."

"What troubles? We are fine."

She again turns her gaze at me.
"Like bullying. Lily Samantha, we are not from here and I don't know. Kids might pick at you for your skin color, for difference in language, for who you are. I don't know many more others." I look at her and sigh suddenly wondering what is triggering her to think like that.

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