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'I live in the world as a spectator of mankind than as one of the species.'

Joseph Addison

I look into Samantha's brown eyes and somehow it feels like it's the first time I am looking at them.
The brown color now looks more like honey than I remember them to be and as they stare into mine, they seem to be finding something in my blue ones but I know for a fact that whatever she wants in my eyes, she will receive because I would give her anything.

"I....I I do not know what to say, Kai." She stutters trying hard to form a sentence for me and I know what she just said isn't what she means.
She does know what to say she is just in denial or worse trying to lie to herself as she is to me.

I kiss her jaw before I retreat and pull away from her.
"Alright Samantha, I will not push you but..." I stop midway to make sure she understands me and when she raises her head to look at me a smirk forms on my lips as I say the next words.

"I will make you," I say to her while I walk away from her way, and walk back to sit back in my seat.

She is still leaning her lower body on my office table.
I pick up the files that were on my table and look at her.

"After hearing the hectic day you just heard sweetheart, I am calling it a day for you. Go home and have a rest as you also consider my offer." I say but she doesn't look like she heard me.

"Samantha?" I call but I get no answer. "Samantha." This time it makes her jump as I call a little louder than before.


"I told you to go home and rest as you think of me and consider my offer." She still looks a little out of place but she manages to nod.

"Thank you."


The moment I make it outside Kai's office l run, I run to my cabin and pick up my bag glad I didn't do anything because I don't have to clean up anything, so I run out to my car.

I get in start the car and drive, I don't even know where I am heading, I don't even have directions turned on. I just drive away.
I drive and drive turning to left and right every now and then.

When I reach a road where I see fewer to no cars on the road, I stop myself when the thought of being lost comes to my mind.
I park at the sideways and get out of the car.

There is a greenery scenery where I stopped my car and I stare at it once again, I let out a defeated sigh.

I stand there feeling a rage of pity, anger, sadness, and depression fill me up until I see the beautiful shade of the sun setting and I feel it warm my heart like it's setting with all my troubling feelings.

I reach for my phone and snap a picture of it then post it to my Instagram story with a caption of beautiful shades fade away with sorrowful troubling.

I stand leaning on my car as I watch the sunset with the sound of passing by cars which are still few to none at all and think about my life.

Firstly it went east and west the moment we came to this country and then I met Kai, following Leila then Lucas.

My sister developed a new side of herself but at first, I always thought it was her coping with the movement because neither was I fine, drowning myself as a cleaner which led me to have a post that I now have wasn't healthy either and I would hate to be a judge of how she was coping.

But what I still don't understand is the hatred she has developed for me. I apologized and tried to show her that I am sorry for whatever I did but it's like she wants us to be like we are now.

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