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'No there was only fear of discovery.'

The moment I wake up, I feel like I could use a skip day.
I get out of bed and walk to my bathroom to ease some of my problems in the toilet.
I happen to pass by the mirror located in my bathroom and the image I see, I know it's not me.

I have dark circles below my eyes and my eyes looks swollen and so puffed thanks to all the crying of yesterday at night.
My lips are so dry you would barely recognize them as one.

I look at myself but I don't recognize the person that I see in the mirror.
What is life bringing on to me?
Who is this person in the mirror?

I retreat from the mirror and walk to the toilet, I don't want to be crying anymore.
I finish doing my business and then walk back to my bed.

It's still early if I want I can still make it to class but that's the last thing on my mind.
I walk back in my bed and just lay in it deciding then that I don't want to go to school nor will I have to go to work today either.

I lay there waiting to hear my family get up and head to attend to their business, for me to finally feel my peace of mind.
It takes some time till I hear movements outside and then there is a knock on my room door.

"Sam? It's me, Yarrow. Are you up?" I hear him but I say nothing.
He knocks again a few more times but I still don't answer him because I don't have words or discussions left in me.

There aren't any hard feelings towards my brother or anyone really, it's all on me and I need to figure things out on my own before I get to talk to anyone.

"Listen, Sam, I am heading to school but I Uhm, I wanted you to know that I am here for you for anything.
I love you so much and never forget that you are my favorite always, bye." His words make my chest hurt.
I feel like crying again, Yarrow is so cute and has always been my partner in crime in everything.

He leaves me feeling so down and sad and wanting to run out and hug him but not being able to.

I lay there for some time feeling a war of pity for myself before I finally feel the need of a drink.
I get out of my bed and walk out of the room finally, I feel weak and so depressed.
I just wish everyone here would be out but it won't be long till I face my mother.
I walk to the kitchen and as I grab a bottle of water from the fridge, I hear footsteps coming into the kitchen.

"Lily Samantha." I turn to look at my mother and I don't know if it's because I didn't see her the whole yesterday or if it's because she is wearing a tight dress. Her belly looks to have grown a few inches.

She walks closer to me and stands beside me.
"How are you doing darling? Why didn't you go to school are you not feeling okay?" She raises her right palm and rests it on my cheek.
I look into her eyes and just shrug.

"I felt tired with a little headache."
She pulls her hand away and turns to put some space in between us.

"Are you saying you won't be accompanying me and your father to see a doctor to learn how your little sibling is doing in here?" My eyes move down with her hands as she rests them down to her belly which is no longer flat.

Somehow the thought of the little angel being carried in there manages to bring a smile to my face as I think of it. I think she already looks cute in my mom's belly.
"You've grown big ma," I say to her with a smile and when she sees me smile, she also gives me one of hers.

"Yes sweetie, many more days have already passed months can you believe it." I nod my head because it's true.

It's been almost four months we've been here and somehow I haven't made peace with the move, in fact, things somehow found themselves a way to get way worse.

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