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What are you doing to me, Samantha?'

"Trenton, Trenty." I stop and look over at the reception.
Joshua waves me over and as much as I feel impatient to leave and get to Samantha.
I can't ignore him not when he saw that I looked over.

I purse my lips in a frown as I walk over to him.
It's early in the morning, the same hours I have realized there aren't a lot of people coming in here so he and the coworker beside him are literally in their unprovided free time.

I reach him and nod my head at him. He smiles and then says.
"Is that all I get after a year without meeting?" He says and my frown deepens.

"What do you mean? There is not even a month time length since we last saw one another." He chuckles.

"Bro we were together last when you were twenty-six and now you are twenty-seven. What does that mean? A year time length." I shake my head.

"Is that really what you called me here for?"

"Nah." He winks and then reaches down at his desk and pulls something before he hands it to me.

"What is it?" I ask as I reach for it.
He rolls his eyes.
"A birthday gift duh." I nod my head as I take it and put it in my other hand.

He frowns.
"Are you not going to open it?" He comments.

"Right now?" I ask because I don't want anything that keeps holding me back from getting to Samantha.

"I really can't right now. But thank you Joshua I appreciate it so much." I say and he rolls his lips to the side.

"Man, it could have been all better than that if you gave me half an hour of your time since last night." I smile as I nod at him.

"This is already enough and the best Joshua," I say to him.

"Anyways, I have to get going Josh. Have a good day." I say and he chuckles.

"Only Mr. Royal writes off his boyfriends like that." I make a weird look because well, what does that even mean?

I walk outside and get in my Jeep that I know Samantha loves and drive off to go meet her.

I wait for almost an hour for her to finally show herself.
A big huge grin spreads across my face when I spot her but what confuses me it's that she is not alone.

I can see her friend from the office and then some other teen boy beside her. She spots me and she gives me too a beautiful killer smile before she turns back to hear something her friend says and then glares at her before finally laughing at it.

I carefully take her in till she reaches where I am and then let go of her bags to the ground as she throws her arms around my shoulder.

I put my arms around her waist and keep her close to me as much as I can. I can breathe in her addicting sweet scent of petals and roses.

We pull away when I hear an aww coming from her friend reminding me it's not just us here.

Samantha gets a little further away from me and turns to her friend.
She turns her head back to me and whispers.
"I am sorry I brought them." I look at her as I bring my hand and caress her cheek pulling some hairs away from her face.

Love met in the wrong placeWhere stories live. Discover now