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'Soon, all will be clear that it was in chaos and everything was led by miscommunication.'

"Dad I need my car?"I say the moment I enter the house after being dropped off by Kai.
I find the living room empty so I head to the kitchen.

"Dad I need my car?" They are all sitting at the dining table with chicken wings, chips with drinks. They turn to look at me.

"Well glad of you to finally join us." I stare at him not believing it is my dad who is being sarcastic.

I shake my head unbelievably as I walk to take a seat on my side of the table.

"Glad that you are home sweetheart. Wait for me and I will bring you a plate." I smile at my mother as she stands up and goes to get me a plate.

"Dad, I need to get my own car, I can't depend on that driver because our schedule doesn't meet at all, and let's not consider the fact that I have to share him with my siblings."

"Lily Samantha I heard you loud and clear, you can use your mother's for now till I get you another one."
I give him a big smile because I seriously thought it was going to take me more convincing and more pleading, but damn I didn't even consider my convincing would get him to agree but I am not at all complaining about this version of him.

It's like we are back to the days when I was eight and all it took was for me to get the words out of my mouth and my father was in action already. "Thank you, Dad!" I move myself forward and kiss him on the cheek. Our mom comes back with a box of chicken wings and chips for me too. "I heard something that was about me, What was it about?" She asks looking at our father as she sits back at her usual seat.

"I am just lending Lily Samantha your car darling." She turns to look at me and I smile innocently at her. "Ohh!" She forms an O shape with her lips.

"Darling, you can always call me when you need to go somewhere or call Remi?" Our dad tells her and she nods uncaringly about that.

"Actually before I forget I have something I wanted to talk to you but I will tell you when we are alone." Our Dad nods.

We continued dining like usual, I remember that today my sister didn't go to school because she wasn't feeling well. I turn to look at her and she looks kind of better than how she looked in the morning but she is way quiet and so does anyone.

We finish eating and we head to our rooms leaving Mom and Dad to clean up I guess we are all providing them with the privacy that our mom asked for, to tell something our father.

I head to my room and take a quick shower because I need to talk to Savannah, I can't let her deal with whatever she is going through alone not when we've shared a womb nor is she going to share her burdens alone.
I change into my PJs and put on my Duffy Stockings before walking out of my room and heading to hers.

Her room is the first room that is located at the end of the stairs, before I knock I catch voices of my mom and dad arguing.

"Barney you need to understand that this is the well-being of my child and I will not be risking it at any cost!" I hear my mother's raging voice.

"Ivy, you can't just leave me and the children alone? I mean we haven't even tried the doctors here?" Silence is what follows before I hear something shattering on the floor. I flinch but before I get caught eavesdropping, I open Savannah's room door and get in quickly. I am glad for the fact that the door wasn't locked because she usually keeps it locked.

"Samantha what the hell?" I silence her by holding my index finger on my lips to have her calm down. I got on her bed she was lying on facing the side.

"Don't shout!" I hear footsteps and I think it's my mother's or my father's, I don't know who walked away from the other, they reach the end of the stairs. And there is silence for some time, I am still holding my index finger on my lips to shush Savannah from making any sound before whoever is on the stairs walks into Savannah's room.

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