Part Seven: Halloween

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A/n please comment lots letting me know what you think! I appreciate everything! Thanks for reading!

It was Halloween and the classes that day had been unbearable. Nobody could focus properly because they were all so excited for the feast. In History of Magic, everyone completely ignored Professor Binns and talked amongst themselves. The only person who seemed the least bit interested was Oliver, he watched in rapture as Binns scraped the chalk across the board. Oliver's wand flicked every few seconds, erasing everything Binns had written so the ghost had to go back and re-write all the words. As conversation around her continued, she got distracted and had to stop watching Oliver erase he words.

"I heard they bring in a real vampire!" Said Ernie Macmillan.

"That's not true, it's a werewolf they are bringing in!" Said Justin Finch-Fletchley, the girls around him squealed in delight and horror at the idea of either.

Knowing full well that neither creature would be brought in to a school, Amelia was excited nonetheless. When classes finally let out, the girls ran back to the dormitory to drop off their books and head down for supper.

"Where's Hermione?" Amelia said looking around.

"She's crying in the toilet and wants to be left alone." Said Parvati as they made their way down to the feast. Amelia felt as though she ought to go look for her, but the Great Hall was so extraordinary it took her mind away almost immediatly. There were no vampires or werewolves, but there were giant carved pumpkins, and thousand of bats swooping in large moving clouds, making the candles shudder.

The feast had barely started when Professor Quirrell made his entrance. His turban was lopsided, and there was horror written across his face. Everyone stopped and stared as he reached the head table and gasped, "Troll-in the dungeons-thought you ought to know."

Then he passed out cold against the floor.

The hall exploded in shouts. Dumbledore shot out several purple firecrackers before everyone calmed down enough. "Prefects, lead your Houses back to the dormitories immediately." he rumbled.

Amelia had never seen Percy so in his element. He was shouting directions at everyone, asking first years to follow him and being more pompous than his usual self.

"Amy!" Fred said grabbing her arm and startling her in the process. "Sorry," he said with a laugh, "but George and I have an idea-"

"Don't even say it" Amelia said looking at him sternly, his face fell slightly, "I'm one step ahead of you," she finished with a grin. Fred and George's face both broke out into the widest smile Amelia had seen in a while. The three of them ducked behind a tapestry and began plotting.

"Let's just head straight to the dungeon. I want to get a good look at it," George said with unmistakable eager.

"My guess is it looks a lot like Percy in the mornings, but it probably has better breath." Fred said with a shudder.

"Shall we?" Amelia said gesturing out of the tapestry. The twins followed her and they made their way to the dungeons. Sadly, they saw the teachers running the opposite way, towards the bathrooms. Luckily, the ducked behind a stone griffin to avoid getting a weeks worth of detention.

"Where do you think they're going?" George said, almost angry.

"Troll probably left the dungeon." Amelia said, she thought the statement was fairly obvious, and apparently so did Fred. He chuckled and peered out from behind the statue.

"Now would be a great time to let off those firecrackers in the trophy room, what do you say Amy, care to join?" Fred said with a return of his classic sly smile, that meant trouble. Amelia beamed and nodded quickly. The three of them slipped away and went towards the trophy room. Out of the corner of her eye Amelia saw Fred pulling out a piece of parchment.
"What's that?" She said pointing at the paper.

"Watch this," Fred tapped the paper and said, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." Ink began to spread from where he had tapped the parchment, soon the paper read:

Messers Mooney, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs, are proud to present, The Marauders Map.

The map, was of Hogwarts and Amelia could see little feet walking around, with tiny words beside them that he realized were names.

"This is why we never get caught Amy, surprisingly it's not our amazing good looks and charm that get us out of every situation," Fred said as George checked the map, "This my dear, is the secret to our success."

"We're clear, let's go!" Said George. Amelia was thoroughly impressed.

"How'd you get it?"

"Knicked it from Filch if course, I don't think he ever realized what it was!" Said George as they made their way into the trophy room. "Alright let's do this quick." In a manner of seconds they had the fireworks all ready to go.

"Incendio!" Fred said pointing his wand at the fuse. The three of them turned tail and ran for it. The bangs were so loud Amelia had to put her hands over her ears. They ran all the way back to the dormitory.

"I can feel my heart beating in my chest!" Amelia said breathless with excitement. Fred put a hand on her shoulder,

"That's how you should feel all the time." He said. She beamed at him and nodded, she felt so exhilarated.

"Where were you three?" Percy had just strutted over to them.

"Fighting trolls obviously," said George sarcastically.

"No, that would be our other brother." Percy said, apparently disapproving of his brothers at the moment.

"Ron fought the troll? Are you sure he didn't just recognize a kindred spirit and try to befriend it?" Fred said.

"Positive," Percy said disdainfully. "Amelia get to bed." Not wanting to argue, she headed to her room, looking back only to catch Fred wink at her. She walked into her room feeling elated at the course the night had taken.

"Amelia! Haven't you heard?"

"Hermione fought the troll!"

"She's so brave!" The girls surrounded her the moment she walking in and began gushing.

"Harry and Ron really did most of it," Hermione said humbly. She was blushing but Amelia got the impression she felt good about being the centre of attention for once.

"Well tell me everything!" Amelia said sitting down beside Hermione, as she began talking about the terrifying incident.

"Harry and Ron were so brave saving me like that!" Hermione finished. It was a very impressive story.

"I bet they like you!" Said Parvati and Lavender squealed with delight. Amelia laughed and said,

"Hermione Granger and the famous Harry Potter! How scandalous!" Hermione blushed even more.

"Stop it!" She said giggling. The girls spent the rest of the night laughing and teasing Hermione the Heartthrob, as they now called her. For the first time, Hermione was their friend.

The next morning Amelia sat down beside Harry at breakfast. "What's this I hear about you fighting trolls?" Harry smiled sheepishly.

"It was a bit if an accident really," He said. Amelia grinned and poured herself some pumpkin juice.

"Well either way I thought it was really brave." She said as she buttered her toast. Then she stood up to go join the girls or breakfast. "You saved Hermione's life you know," with that she swooped down and kissed Harry on the cheek. "Thanks for that" She smiled as she left Harry touching his cheek in utter shock.

"Where's my kiss Merlin?" Dean Thomas called from a few seats down, the boys around him guffawed.

"You can have a kiss when you've killed a troll," Amelia said playfully. She just couldn't help flirting with Dean, he was so handsome. She distinctly heard Harry mutter,

"I didn't kill it, I just knocked it out."

"Well be happy you got a kiss, I didn't get anything and I was there!" Ron said stabbing his sausage unnecessarily.

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