Tobirama - Earned It 🍋

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Word Count - 2157

I knocked on his door. I needed him. I didn't care that it was the middle of the night. I didn't care that I was most likely waking him up. My desire shadowed any thought of rational. I debated knocking again when he did not come as fast as I would have liked. My knuckle was about to hit the wood again when it opened.

The dark reveled tousled white hair. He was dressed only in his boxer indicating he had been asleep. The sight sent a heat straight to my core. "I need you." I breathed without a second thought. My words came out breathless as if I was asking him with my dying breath.

"I didn't expect you to come by anymore." It was true I tried to cut things off this Tobirama. My decision only lasted three days before I was at his stoop again. Ironically the three days I was away on a mission. But he was the only release I desired after my botched mission. The release of pint of animosity felt no better home than in his arms.

"I need you Tobirama. Please." I begged regardless of my ego telling me not to.

"Come inside my entrapment." He stepped aside and let me in. I followed his lead into his place. It was dark inside indicating what I already knew that he had truly been asleep.

I turned to him once the door had closed and hindered any light from coming him. I could barely make out the glow of his white hair. But yet the blaze of his red eyes shone though. I stepped closer to him. "Tobirama." I placed my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. "Please." I placed my lips on his before he could respond.

He let me take the lead. He knew I wouldn't stop until I got my fill of him. And I needed every drop he was willing to spare.

Tobirama wrapped his arms around me. They traced the curve of my back and then up to my shoulders. He gave them a gentle squeeze before he pulled away. "Baby you are so tense." He looked down at my. Our foreheads locked.

I let out a deep sigh and engulfed myself in his arms. I took in a deep breath of his smell. Letting is consume me. Trying to relax myself in his comfort. But I was still tense.

"Come." Tobirama pealed himself from me and stepped towards the kitchen. My hand was in his as he dragged me behind. "I still have a bottle of your favorite. I knew you would be back my entrapment." He turned back slightly to wink at me.

"Get over yourself." I giggled but my pace quickened behind him.

We walked into his kitchen and I took a seat at his table. He poured us two glasses on wine. Mine much heftier than his even though he was double my size and could handle as much as me.

He set the glass down in front of me and I did not hesitate to take a large drink. "How was your mission?" He broke the silence knowing that was why I showed up here tonight.

"Terrible." I whined as I threw my head in the hands. "I don't want to talk about it." I pulled back my head from my hands so I could take another drink of my wine. Tobirama sipped his slowly beside me.

"Tell me love." He tried again.

"I thought gathering clans together would protect us from more bloodshed. But there is blood every where you go. It doesn't matter if we are trying to make a difference. People don't want change."

"You had to fight on your mission?"

"It was an unexpected hiccup." I said before drinking more wine. "The mission became compromised and we had to fight our way out of there."

"Have you informed my brother?"

"No my partner went instead. He knew I had it worse. I had more blood on my hands than I think I ever have before all of this uniting. They wouldn't let us go. It didn't matter who they sent to kill us, they just kept coming. I knew it was me or them and I fought like hell. I killed so many in that village. They wouldn't let me leave. Just kept coming and coming to kill me. Sending anyone they could. Even children too young to hold a weapon. That's what we are fighting against. To protect the next generation. But here I am on these stupid missions doing the exact same fucking thing but this time I have permission to kill. It's fucked up Tobirama. This isn't what we are supposed to stand for. This isn't what I signed up for." I downed the rest of my wine glass. Tobirama stood up from his seat, grabbed my glass and refilled it for me. He didn't say a word after my confession of turned events. He placed the glass back down in front of me. I didn't hesitate to drink more.

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