Madara - Fetish 💋

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Word Count - 2550

"This is the last time sweets." Madara brushed some of my sweaty hair off my forehead and tucked it behind my ear. His fingers traced from behind my ear and followed the edge of my jaw until he got to my chin. He lifted my chin up and placed a kiss on my forehead. Madara looked deep into my eyes before he completely pulled himself from me. He then walked to the other side of the room to fetch his clothes.

"As if." I rolled my eyes at his backside. "You said that last time and the time before. And the time before that." I followed his movements and began scrounging the floor for my clothes. "Need I remind you that you have a weakness."

He laughed at my comment. "I'm not weak sweets. I have no weaknesses. It's simply a fetish." The word rolled off his tongue. I rolled my eyes again at him.

I walked over to him now that we were both fully dressed. "A fetish for my love?" I raised an eyebrow. "How romantic." My eye roll and laugh giving light to my sarcasm. I tapped his shoulder as I walked past him towards the door. "Do find your way out before I get back home." I said to him with my back turned continuing my walk out of my room.

He didn't respond to me but I knew he would be gone. He always left as abruptly as he arrived. We were quick and got to the gist of why he would show up when he would showed up. I didn't mind. It liked the no strings attached deal that we had going on. It made me feel powerful that I had this control over him. Madara had a fearsome reputation but all of that was left at the door each time he strolled into my house. In my house I had the control and he relished in it.


Two months had passed. News broke out of Madara's attack the same night I last saw him. He knew he was going to die. He came to me in one final goodbye. I should have believed him when he said it was going to be the last time. Should have begged him for one final time. A time where we could let our walls down and be honest about our feelings. But it was too late now. He was dead and I had to live with my feelings.

My days felt pointless. Everyone knew I had a close relationship with Madara. I got nasty glances and harsh words muttered under breaths as I walked the streets of my village. It didn't feel like home without him. I missed him deeper than anyone could understand. He turned his name into a villain. And I was left picking up the pieces.

I had arrived into my home with bags full of groceries. But I was alerted to the light on in my kitchen. I didn't leave that light on. I sent the bags down gently before grabbing my kunai. I held the weapon at the ready as I tip toed into the kitchen. I did a scan of the parameter but didn't see anything. I decided to check the rest of my home before grabbing the groceries I left at the door.

I slowly walked towards my bedroom. My senses were high but I did not feel anything amiss. I continued to tip toe through my home and scanning any open room I encountered. Still nothing. I was certain I did not leave that light on so I knew there was someone here. I just had to find them.

I walked into the closed bedroom door but still didn't see anything. Before I could walk into the bathroom to check it out the back of my head was hit with something. I was disoriented as I turned around in the direction I was hit. My grip tightened on my kunai as I brought it up in a defensive position. I lunged towards a shadow I could barely make out.

Steel clashed together as my kunai made contact with what I could only assume was their own. It was too dark in my bedroom for me to make out what was going on. My body acted on instinct. Instinct to protect myself against my intruder. I had to get them closer to the window. Closer to the light so I could see what was going on

My footstep fell into place to guide our clashing bodies towards the light. The second the light casted on his figure he stepped back deeper into the shadows. But I only needed a second the recognize him.

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