𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 3: 𝕬 𝕶𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖉𝖔𝖒'𝖘 𝕱𝖆𝖙𝖊

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Nia left the drawing room and made her way downstairs, composing herself. As she reached the foyer, she saw Caius storming out the front door without a backwards glance. He had been her last hope, and now she was left feeling more desolate than ever. Her heart ached at the thought of facing another potential suitor who would no doubt find her lacking.

Her father and sisters had gathered to see him off. They turned to look at Nia as she approached. "What happened, my dear?" her father asked gently. He could see the disappointment in her eyes but tried to remain optimistic.

"He...he retracted his marriage proposal," Nia said, her voice strained. Her father's face fell, and he put a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"What!" Tanisi exclaimed. "That is the seventh suitor this month to call it off!"

Asha looked at Nia sympathetically. "What reason did he give this time?" she asked softly, dreading the answer.

Nia lowered her eyes. "He said I was...exceedingly boring." She turned to her father apologetically.

"I am sorry, Father."He sighed heavily.

"It is all right. Perhaps it simply wasn't meant to be." He walked away slowly; shoulders slumped in disappointment.

Tanisi, however, could not contain her anger. "How can they say such things?" she demanded, stomping her foot. "You are the most interesting and clever woman I know! You are more interesting than all those stuffy nobles put together!"

Nia watched her father go, guilt clutching at her heart. She knew how much it meant to him to see his eldest daughter married to fulfil their late mother's dying wish.Ife stepped over and squeezed Nia's hand reassuringly.

"Don't worry, another match will come along soon." Her voice was steady, but her eyes held a flicker of worry.

Kazi scoffed. "All this fuss over marriage! As if a woman's life ends if she remains unwed." She said as she rolled her eyes.

"Exactly," Adanna chimed in. "There are more important things than tying yourself to a man."
Ife frowned at the two of them disapprovingly. "You know Nia is twenty-eight now. Society expects a woman her age to be married."

She turned to Kazi. "And you are twenty-five. It is past time you considered settling down as well."

"Please, I am still young yet!" Kazi protested indignantly.

Asha gave a teasing grin. "Adanna is nearly old enough, too. Your friend Eliza is married with three kids already and you both are the same age, twenty-two."

Adanna flushed. "I am not ready either! If I must wed, you are too!"

"Hey, do not drag me into this!" Asha shot back. "Ife is only twenty and I eighteen. We have plenty of time to find someone if we want." She grinned mischievously. "But you, if you are not careful, you could end up a spinster.

"Tanisi piped up earnestly, "Well I am ready to be married!"

The others turned to stare at her. Ife raised an eyebrow. "Tanisi, you are only 16 years old. You know nothing of marriage yet.

Nia had heard enough. "Girls, please!" she snapped irritably. "Just... just give me some peace." She turned and hurried back upstairs before the bickering could continue, feeling the beginning of a headache coming on.

Kazi threw up her hands as Nia retreated. "Now look, you have upset her with all this silly marriage talk."

"It was you who started questioning it in the first place," Ife shot back.

She gathered her skirts. "Come, Asha, Tanisi, let us take our leave. This is a pointless debate."

The three strode off, leaving Kazi and Adanna alone. Kazi shook her head in annoyance while Adanna hid a smirk.

Upstairs, Nia entered her bedchamber and closed the door, leaning against it with a heavy sigh. She could not help but wonder - would she ever find someone to marry? Someone who would love her for who she was, and not because of her dowry or social standing? The thought made her heart ache, but she refused to let it show.

 She could not help but wonder - would she ever find someone to marry? Someone who would love her for who she was, and not because of her dowry or social standing? The thought made her heart ache, but she refused to let it show

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King Madoc's blood ran cold at the stranger's words. This was no mere request - it was a veiled threat. "Of course, Your Majesty," he managed, kneeling in false reverence.

"It would be an honour to unite our kingdoms through marriage. "The figure's eyes gleamed with light from beneath his cloak.

"I have no interest in your pampered daughter. Her string of rejected suitors speaks volumes of her character. No, I seek someone else entirely." His voice was like ice, sending a chill down Madoc's spine. "Find me a more...docile bride. I will meet with any candidates and decide if they meet my standards."

He leaned in close, his breath hot on Madoc's face. "You have one week." With that, he was gone, leaving the court in an uproar.

King Madoc staggered to his feet, his mind reeling. Then the guards rushed in. "Your Majesty! What shall we do?" Madoc steadied himself. "Send out a declaration at once. Summon all barons, dukes, and councillors - they must bring their daughters here without delay."

He lowered his voice ominously. "Any man who secures this union will be richly rewarded. See that they understand the urgency."

The guards scrambled to obey as Madoc sank onto his throne, heart pounding. He now faced an impossible choice - sacrifice one of his subjects to the whim of a tyrant or risk war by refusing.

His stomach twisted in knots at the thought of what might happen if he disobeyed the king's command. Either way, danger seemed to loom. Madoc tried to steady his breath as he considered the candidates.

Madoc gazed out the window at his fragile kingdom, a heavy weight settling on his chest.

𝕹𝖎𝖆𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖆'𝖘 𝖋𝖚𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖊 𝖍𝖚𝖓𝖌 𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖇𝖆𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊...

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