𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 35: 𝕬𝖑𝖑𝖎𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕾𝖆𝖈𝖗𝖎𝖋𝖎𝖈𝖊

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The journey to the Kingdom of Arcane was long and treacherous, winding through dense forests and across perilous mountains. Yet, Kiyoshi and his guards continued, the weight of the missing children and the cryptic message from the messenger pressing down upon them.

A week had passed since they journeyed deeper into the dark and foreboding woods, Kiyoshi and his men found themselves confronted by a band of rogue vampires. The creatures, driven mad by centuries of solitude and hunger, descended upon them like a swarm of vengeful spirits. As the rogue vampires closed in on Kiyoshi and his guards, the air tackled with dark energy. The guards retaliated using their own vampiric abilities, unleashing a flurry of shadowy tendrils and disintegrating bolts.

However, it became clear that the rouge vampires were using forbidden, ancient magic to counter the guards' own vampiric abilities. The dark energy in the air thickened, crackling with power as the creatures chanted in a sinister tongue. Kiyoshi gritted his teeth, feeling the weight of responsibility pressing down on him. The missing children's fate and the mysterious message hung in the balance.

Kiyoshi unleashed his own abilities. The air around him shimmered as he summoned a chilling wind that swept through the forest. The rogue vampires, caught off guard by the sudden surge of power, found themselves frozen in place. Ice crystals formed around them, trapping them in glittering prisons. Kiyoshi stood before the frozen rogues, his eyes cold and unforgiving. He knew that he had to be merciful if he ever hoped to unravel the mystery of the missing children.

"You will tell me everything you know about the missing children," Kiyoshi commanded the frozen rogues, his voice cold and unforgiving.

"We know little, Your Majesty. We saw a carriage moving towards the Elven Kingdom." One of the frozen rogues struggled to speak through chattering teeth.

So the messenger was right...the king of Arcane was involved. Kiyoshi thought to himself, a frown marring his features. He turned to one of the frozen rogues and demanded, "Tell me more about this carriage. Who was driving it? Where did it come from? Where was it going?"

"We do not know anything more, Your Majesty," the frozen rogue responded, shivering. "The carriage was moving swiftly, and we did not wish to follow it too closely for fear of being discovered. All we know is that it was headed towards the Elven Kingdom."

"You have given me what little you know. Leave this place and never cross our paths again. If you do, you will not survive," Kiyoshi warned the frozen rogues before using his vampiric abilities once more to shatter them free from their icy prisons. As they lay, stunned and disoriented from their sudden freedom, Kiyoshi's guards mounted their horses and continued their journey to the Elven Kingdom.

 As they lay, stunned and disoriented from their sudden freedom, Kiyoshi's guards mounted their horses and continued their journey to the Elven Kingdom

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As they journeyed deeper, a disturbing sight greeted them. The Elven guards, once known for their speed and cunning, now coughed and stumbled, their faces pale and their limbs weak. Fear gripped Kiyoshi's heart. Could this be part of the children's abduction? Spurring his horse forward, he reached the grand gates of Arcane capital, Verdantreach.

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