𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 39: 𝖀𝖓𝖎𝖙𝖞 𝕬𝖒𝖎𝖉𝖘𝖙 𝕬𝖉𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖎𝖙𝖞

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The fever raged within Kiyoshi, his vision blurring as he dreamt of Nia's words. He dreamt of her laugh, her touch, and the hope she had given him. He yearned to be back at her side, fighting for what was right. But for now, he was trapped here, in the darkness, his body burning with the fever.

Kiyoshi slowly tried to get off the bed, his limbs weak from the fever. He was certain that he had dreamt of Nia, and her words still echoed in his ears. He had to fight the illness, had to find a way back to her. He stumbled across the room, making his way toward a small window. As he reached it, he pushed it open, letting in a rush of cool air. The fresh air revitalized him, and he took a deep breath, feeling a bit more like himself.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and in came Thalasar, his face grim. "Kiyoshi, you must rest," he said, going to the bedside. "The fever has taken its toll, and you are still very weak. You must not try to do too much too soon."

Kiyoshi looked at his friend, struggling to speak. "I... fine. I must...fight...this." He tried to stand, but Thalasar held him back. "You cannot...you must rest."

"I am okay, Thalasar," Kiyoshi insisted, his voice barely audible. "Has there been any development with the investigation?" He coughed violently, struggling to catch his breath. "I need to know what's happening outside."

Thalasar sighed, his expression weary. "We have uncovered a disturbing truth," he said, taking a seat beside Kiyoshi's bed. "The plague's...cure...is very difficult to make. It seems that whoever is orchestrating this wanted to harvest the berries for profit, and is aware of their toxic properties towards humans, elves and vampires."

"Who would do this?" Kiyoshi croaked, his eyes widening with shock. "What sort of person would risk so much for a few coins?"

"It seems to be a bigger plot..." Thalasar began, his expression grim. "We believe it is King Grawl of the Blightfang Goblins. We found traces of Blightfang scent lingering around the outskirts of Arcane."

"And the children..." he croaked, the weight of the discovery settling heavily on him. "Were they..." started Kiyoshi, unable to finish the sentence.

Thalasar nodded grimly. "Innocent lives were sacrificed for Grawl's gain. Their bodies..." He choked back a sob. "Human children have been found outside Niameda. Their bodies were mutilated, their hearts torn out. It seems that the goblins have been using them in some sort of twisted ritual."

A wave of anger washed over Kiyoshi, even amidst the weakness of his illness. He could not allow Grawl's machinations to succeed, not while Nia and his people were vulnerable.

"We must warn Nia," he rasped, a flicker of determination burning in his eyes. "The alliance...between Niameda and Ivamis is more crucial than ever."

Thalasar hesitated. "Kiyoshi, in your condition..."

"Time is of the essence," Kiyoshi interrupted, his voice firm despite the tremor. "I may not be there in body, but my message must reach her. Send a raven, tell her..." He coughed, then continued, each word laced with urgency, "Grawl... Blightfang... plague... alliance... we must stand together."

Thalasar, seeing the determination in his friend's eyes, nodded. "Very well," he said, his voice grave. "I will see to it that your message is delivered."

Nia paced the throne room, her mind filled with worry and uncertainty. The revelation about an accomplice of the gruesome fate of the abducted children weighed heavily on her heart. She called for an urgent meeting with her advisors to discuss the new developments and strategize a plan to tighten their defenses.

As Nia entered the war room, she found Lord Edgar, Princess Serena, and Commander Marcus already waiting. The atmosphere was tense, with the news of the day weighing heavily on everyone's minds. Nia took her seat on her throne.

Whispers of Desires: A Sense of Duty {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now