𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 6: 𝕬 𝕽𝖔𝖞𝖆𝖑 𝕰𝖓𝖈𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖗

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Nia was in her chambers, reading a book on the history of their kingdom, when she heard a soft knock on her door. She sighed, setting her book aside and calling out, "Come in."

Nia watched as her sisters entered her chambers, their faces drawn and anxious. Kazi spoke first, looking around the room nervously before meeting Nia's gaze. "Nia, I am sorry for what I said earlier. It was wrong of me to judge you." Her voice was soft, and Nia could see the genuine regret in her eyes.

Nia walked up to her and gave her hand a forgiving squeeze. "All is well, sister. I know we are all stressed and scared. We must remember to support each other." Her gaze flickered towards the door, inviting the other sisters to join them. Reluctantly, they came forward and took their places beside her.

Tanisi suddenly threw her arms around Nia. "I will miss you so much, dear sister," she sobbed.

Nia gently stroked her hair. "Nothing is decided yet, Tanisi. We must not lose hope." She pulled back, wiping away a tear from Tanisi's cheek.

Kazi sat down on the bed beside them, her eyes fixed on the floor. "I know it's selfish of me, but I cannot help but think of what will happen to us. We've been so close for so long... It feels like we're being torn apart."

Nia nodded understandingly. "It is a difficult time for all of us. But remember, we are not alone. The entire kingdom is with us, and they will support us in whatever decision is made." She paused, taking a deep breath before continuing. "And even if we are separated, we will always be sisters. Our bond can never be broken."

"Do you want to hear something I heard?" Tanisi asked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Oh, do tell!" Nia said, sitting up straighter on her bed. Kazi perked up, interested. "They say every maiden King Kiyoshi visits falls madly in love with him!" Tanisi whispered dramatically.

Ife raised a skeptical eyebrow. "Wherever did you hear such nonsense?" she asked, crossing her arms. "The man has seen hundreds of maidens since he has been king. It is hardly likely that all of them have fallen for him."

"I heard the same," Asha chimed in eagerly. "Apparently he is irresistible to women!"

Adanna rolled her eyes. "Can we please discuss something else besides the king?" she groaned. "I am sure Nia has heard more than enough about him." The others laughed, but Nia just smiled. She was secretly pleased that they were all trying to cheer her up.

"Yes, let's speak of lighter things," Kazi agreed. The sisters passed a peaceful hour together, chatting and laughing. Though their hearts were still heavy with worry, the distraction was welcome. They spoke of their favorite childhood memories, the times they had shared with their parents, and the hopes they had for their future lives. As they grew more comfortable, they began to forget their troubles, if only for a little while.

 As they grew more comfortable, they began to forget their troubles, if only for a little while

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The day arrived for King Kiyoshi's visit. The air was thick with anticipation and tension as the estate came alive with activity. The sisters, dressed in their finest gowns, waited outside Nia's chambers waiting for her.

As the maids finished dressing Nia, they carefully put her hair into an elaborate updo, accentuating her sharp features. They then helped her into a stunning red gown, the color of passion and love. The fabric was smooth against her skin, and the fit was perfect, hugging her curves in all the right places. A pair of matching red heels completed the ensemble, making Nia feel confident and regal.

"Why must I wear red?" Nia asked, frowning at her reflection in the mirror as the maids finished dressing her. She did not like the way the color made her skin look. It was almost as if it were trying to seduce her. "It makes me feel...exposed."

"Tis tradition, my lady," a maid replied. "All maidens meeting His Majesty are to wear red, for it symbolizes passion and love. It is said that the color draws the king's eye and makes him yearn to know the woman wearing it." Nia did not quite believe this, but she supposed it wouldn't hurt to look her best.

The maids curtsied and took their leave just as Nia's sisters burst in.

"You look beautiful!" Tanisi exclaimed. The others nodded in agreement. "Truly, you are fit for a queen," Adanna added.

"Please do not say that we are praying the king does not take interest in her remember?" Asha said with a sigh as she looked at Nia with a worried expression.

Then there was a knock on the door and in came their father. "Stunning, my dear," he said warmly, though his eyes were sad. He took Nia's hands in his and smiled at her. "You are as beautiful as ever, Nia." She smiled back, even though she was shaking of fear.

"Do you think this will catch the king's eye?" Tanisi wondered aloud.

They exchanged uneasy looks, but before anyone could reply, a servant appeared. "Your Grace, the king has arrived." The father's expression turned grave. "It is time, Nia." He took her hands and kissed them gently. "Be strong, my dearest daughter."

Nia smoothed her skirts. "Too late for second thoughts now. It is time to greet our guests." Her father nodded, escorting her to the door. As they walked down the hall, the tension in the air was palpable. Everyone they passed wore the same anxious expression, their eyes flickering towards the grand entrance where the king had just arrived.

The family assembled at the top of the stairs as the doors opened. In walked a tall, 6′4 figure with long, dark hair, his movements graceful despite his imposing height. His features were striking, a mixture of Eastern and Western influences that made him appear regal and otherworldly. He was dressed in rich, black robes that contrasted sharply with the bright colors of the sisters' gowns. As he drew closer, Nia could see the determined set of his jaw and the glint of determination in his deep-set eyes.

The family proceeded downstairs, Nia's sisters whispering excitedly while her father remained stoic, trying to project an air of calm confidence. Nia, however, felt as if she were floating, detached from her body. She had the strange sensation that everyone around her was moving in slow motion.

Reaching the foyer, her family bowed low before him. Nia, still numb, followed suit.

"Welcome to my humble home, Your Majesty," Nia's father said, his voice strong despite the tremor in it. The king inclined his head in acknowledgment, his gaze fixed on Nia. She felt the weight of his stare like a physical presence, pressing down on her shoulders.

"Please let me introduce my daughter, Nia," her father continued, his voice steady despite the tension in the room. "She has been raised with the knowledge of our people's history and culture, and I believe she would make a wise and loyal partner." As the king regarded Nia, his expression softened slightly. "Your Majesty," Nia managed to whisper, feeling as if her voice were distant and far away. "It is an honor to meet you."

"You may rise," the king said, his voice smooth as silk. Nia did so, feeling the blood rush to her face as she looked into his eyes. They were the most beautiful shade of hazel brown she had ever seen, with flecks of gold and green that seemed to dance in the light. He studied her carefully, taking in her appearance, her posture, her every move. She could feel the weight of his scrutiny, but at the same time, it was strangely comforting.

Clearing her throat, she murmured "Welcome to our home, Your Majesty." As she spoke, she could feel the tension in the room begin to dissipate ever so slightly. The king nodded, seeming to appreciate her poise. He took a step closer, his gaze never leaving hers...

Whispers of Desires: A Sense of Duty {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now