𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 7: 𝕬𝖓 𝖀𝖓𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊𝖑𝖞 𝖀𝖓𝖎𝖔𝖓

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Tanisi whispered to Kazi, "He is quite handsome, isn't he?" As they watched the king and Nia, the air seemed to lighten ever so slightly.

"The gossip was true," Asha murmured back, her eyes fixed on the king and Nia. "He is even more striking in person." The king continued to study Nia, his expression thoughtful. He glanced at her sisters, who were watching them intently, then back at Nia. His gaze lingered on her face for a moment before traveling down the length of her body, taking in her slender figure and graceful movements.

The king turned to Nia's father. "I would like to speak to the lady Nia alone now."

"Of course, Your Majesty." Her father ushered them into the drawing room and discreetly withdrew. As soon as they were alone, the king turned back to Nia. "Your father speaks highly of you," he began, his voice low and warm. "He tells me that you have been raised with a deep understanding of our people's history and culture. That you would make a wise and loyal partner."

Nia dipped her head in acknowledgment, her heart racing. "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Kiyoshi took a seat across from her whilst Nia stood awkwardly. "Please, have a seat," he said.

" I am fine standing, thank you," Nia demurred, avoiding his eyes as she smoothed the folds of her skirt. "You honor me with your presence, Your Majesty." She felt the weight of his gaze, and her cheeks flushed.

"Sit," he commanded, his tone gentle but firm. Nia obeyed, her heart thudding wildly as she sank into the plush chair. The king watched her carefully, his expression unreadable. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, and studied her face.

"I understand you have been rejected by seven suitors." The king's statement was unexpected, but Nia remained calm.

"Y-yes," she stammered, mortified.

"And why is that?" he asked bluntly.

Nia's cheeks burned. "They...they said I was boring and plain." Her voice was barely audible. "That I had nothing interesting to say, or to offer." The words stung as she spoke them, but it was clear that she had rehearsed them, steeled herself for this moment.

Kiyoshi studied her intently as she squirmed under his gaze. "What interests you?" he asked. "How do you pass your time?"

"I..." Nia hesitated, searching for the right words. She could not bring herself to admit that most of her time was spent reading, or learning about the history of their people. It did not sound very interesting to her, either.

"Please do not hesitate to speak freely" he said gently. "I am interested in knowing more about you, Nia. You must understand that I am not merely seeking a wife to bear my children and manage my household. I need a partner who can help me lead our people." He leaned back in his chair, watching her carefully. "Tell me about your interests."

Hesitantly, Nia answered, "Reading, writing, needlework..." She looked down. "Forgive me if that is dull."

The king studied her for a long moment, his expression thoughtful. "I do not find those things dull," he finally replied. "In fact, I believe that a queen who possesses such interests would be an asset to our kingdom. She would bring a sense of refinement and intelligence that would elevate our court and inspire our people."

"You are too kind, Your Majesty," Nia murmured.

"I find you intelligent and intriguing, Lady Nia," the king continued, his gaze steady and unwavering. "You have a quiet strength about you that I find most appealing. I believe that you would be a loyal and devoted partner, and that you would bring a sense of purpose and wisdom to our kingdom." He paused, considering his next words carefully. "I would be honored if you would consent to be my wife."

Shocked, Nia blurted out, "But why me?" Her voice came out as a whisper, as if she could not believe the words that had just escaped her lips.

"You speak honestly, unlike simpering girls who pretend to share my interests. I appreciate sincerity." King Kiyoshi's words took Nia by surprise. King Kiyoshi stood up, "I shall return in two days, and we can discuss wedding plans." He smiled at her, the first genuine expression she had seen on his face. "Until then, I look forward to getting to know you better." he said as he turned to leave.

Nia remained where she was, her heart racing as she watched him go. She could not believe it. The king had chosen her, despite her flaws. She felt a mixture of disbelief, joy, and fear coursing through her veins. She stood up and rushed downstairs, following behind him. Arriving downstairs, she watched silently as he stepped into his carriage and departed.

Her family gathered around anxiously. "What did he say?" Kazi demanded anxiously. Nia could hardly believe it herself. She turned to face them, her heart still racing.

"He..." she stammered, her voice barely audible. Her father spoke up grimly, "If it is not meant to be, do not despair, my child."

"No, he...he wishes to marry me," Nia confessed.

Her family stared, dumbfounded. "What?!"

"He truly wants you as his bride?" Asha asked, her eyes wide with disbelief. Nia could only nod mutely, conflicted emotions swirling within her.

Her father peered at her with concern. "Nia? Are you quite alright?" He had never seen her look so overwhelmed. "You seem...stunned."

She managed a weak smile. "Yes, I... I just need some time alone."

Nia hurried upstairs to her room, shutting the door behind her. She sank onto her bed, her heart racing uncontrollably.

Downstairs, her family tried processing this news.

"Poor Nia, she must be so distraught," Ife said, her voice filled with sympathy.

Tanisi threw her hand over her forehead dramatically. "She is doomed to a life imprisoned with that monster!"

"Oh, be quiet...but I do not think she is happy about this arrangement either." Ife sighed. "She must be feeling so overwhelmed, having to leave everything she knows behind and marry such a dangerous man."

Their father sighed heavily. "We must give her space to think. This is a difficult situation." He turned away, overcome by guilt.

Alone in her room, Nia's thoughts raced. She tried to understand why the king had chosen her but could not come up with any logical reason. He was a vampire, after all, and she was just a human. Perhaps it was her intelligence that had piqued his interest. Or perhaps it was her lack of interest in the typical feminine pursuits that he found so dull. Whatever the reason, she knew that she had no choice in the matter. The king had given her two days to consider his offer, but she could not refuse, for the entire kingdom's fate hung in the balance.

Despite her fears, remembering his sincere compliments and genuine smile, brought an unexpected blush to her cheeks. She touched them wonderingly.

𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖜𝖆𝖘 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖘 𝖘𝖙𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊 𝖋𝖊𝖊𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖙𝖆𝖐𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖍𝖔𝖑𝖉 𝖎𝖓 𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖙?

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