𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 22: 𝖀𝖓𝖗𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕿𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝕴𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖚𝖊

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The throne room was bustling with activity as courtiers and nobles went about their daily tasks. The air was thick with the scent of rich fabrics and polished wood, the sound of whispers and footsteps echoing off the high ceiling. Despite the commotion, Kiyoshi remained stoically seated on his throne, his gaze fixed on the far-off horizon, lost in thought.

Then the throne room doors swung open and in rushed in the royal advisor, his face pale and his expression worried. He hurried over to where Kiyoshi sat, bowing deeply before speaking. "Your Majesty," he finally began, "there is a...grave matter at hand" Kiyoshi's eyebrow raised slightly as he regarded the advisor, a faint flicker of annoyance flaring in his eyes. "Speak." The advisor took a shaky breath before continuing.

"There have been... disappearances. Vampire children from our realm and human children from Niameda have been vanishing without a trace. At first, we thought it was the work of bandits or some other small-time threat. But after further investigation, it has become clear that this is the doing of someone, or something, much more sinister."

The advisor paused, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he struggled to convey the gravity of the situation. "We fear that this may be the work of a traitor within our ranks, or perhaps even an outside force seeking to disrupt the peace that has been so carefully maintained between our kingdoms."

"Missing? Since when?" Kiyoshi's voice was cold and distant, his gaze fixed on the floor between them.

"A week, Your Majesty," the advisor stammered. "It began a week ago with the disappearance of a human child from one of the villages near the border. We thought it was an isolated incident, but then more children started vanishing. And then..." His voice trailed off as he struggled to find the words. "And then, just yesterday, the body of one of our own was discovered in the forest, drained of blood. It was clear that this was no mere banditry."

"A week?!" Kiyoshi slammed his fist on the throne's armrest, sending a ripple of sound through the throne room. "And no one thought to inform me of this until now?" His gaze swept over the courtiers, their faces pale and fearful under his scrutiny. "As my advisor, it is your duty to bring such matters to my attention immediately!"

The advisor bowed his head in submission. "I understand, Your Majesty. Prince Daemon did assure us he would inform you – later..."

"Later!" Kiyoshi snapped, his anger simmering. "This demands immediate action. Summon the council. We have initiated a full-scale investigation. Inform the citizens of Ivamis to be vigilant and keep their children close. And most importantly," he added, his voice dropping to a dangerous whisper, "draft a message to King Madoc of Niameda. We require an urgent meeting to address this...transgression."

The advisor, though shaken, nodded vigorously. "It shall be done, Your Majesty. I will see to the preparations immediately." With a final bow, he spun on his heel and hurried away, the sound of his retreating footsteps fading into the background noise of the bustling throne room.

As Kiyoshi settled back into his throne. How dare Prince Daemon keep this information from him? He would have words with his brother later. For now, he needed to focus on the matter at hand. The throne room doors opened once more, and a messenger hurried in, his face pale and his breath coming in quick gasps. He bowed deeply before speaking.

"Your Majesty, I have news from King Madoc of Niameda. He has received your message and has agreed to an urgent meeting. He has proposed that we convene at the neutral ground of the abandoned temple in the forest, as it is a place of significance to both our kingdoms. He assures us that this location will ensure the safety of all involved." Kiyoshi's eyebrows rose as he listened intently to the messenger's words.

Whispers of Desires: A Sense of Duty {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now