𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 25: 𝕷𝖔𝖈𝖐𝖊𝖉 𝕴𝖓

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"I do not require breakfast," he said dismissively. "You may go now." he motioned for her to leave.

"I will not be going anywhere until you eat, my king." Nia's voice was steady and firm. "You have not eaten properly since we returned, and I will not stand by and watch you waste away before my eyes." She took a deep breath, trying to control the emotion that threatened to spill over. "Please, just try a bite. For me."

Kiyoshi's expression softened slightly, but he did not respond. He looked away, back to his papers, unable to meet her gaze. Nia hesitated, then took a step closer, reaching out to touch his hand where it rested on the desk. The touch was gentle, but intentional. She felt him tense beneath her fingertips but did not pull away. "Kiyoshi," she said softly, her voice breaking slightly. "I shall not leave this room until you have eaten it".

Kiyoshi sighed heavily, leaning back in his chair as he studied her. "Very well," he said at last, his voice tired and resigned. "I shall try it." He took a small bite of the pastry, closing his eyes as he savored the taste. Nia's heart leapt in her chest, hope surging through her. "It is delicious," he murmured, and she could see the colour returning to his cheeks. He took another bite, then another, until he had finished the entire pastry.

Nia collected the tray with a satisfied smile, careful not to gloat. "I am glad you enjoyed it," she said simply, setting the empty platter aside. "I hope it brought you some comfort, if only for a moment."

"Nia...," Kiyoshi began, his voice soft and hesitant. "I want to apologize...for yesterday." He looked down, unable to meet her gaze. Nia placed the tray on the desk and put her hand on his. "I should too, should apologize for flaring up so easily," she said, trying to make him feel more comfortable. "Let us forget about it and start fresh, yes?" He looked up at her then, his eyes full of relief, and took her hand in his. "Thank you..."

Nia took the tray once more and turned to take her leave. However, when she tried the door, it would not budge. She turned back to face Kiyoshi, her expression confused. "The door...it's locked." She fumbled with the handle, but it would not move. "I... I cannot seem to open it.

Kiyoshi walked over, attempting to open the door himself. When it did not open, he looked back at Nia, confusion etching his features. "It appears we are locked in," Nia said quietly.

Kiyoshi raised a hand, his fingers flexing as he concentrated on the lock. A flash of red light burst from his fingertips, striking the door with a loud click. The lock disintegrated; the metal twisted beyond recognition.

"What is it?" Nia asked, her voice tinged with concern. She moved closer to Kiyoshi, "A protective enchantment," he growled. "Designed to prevent magical tampering with doors. A useless precaution if the door is closed for a long period of time." He slammed his hand against the door, frustration etching his features. The door rattled but did not budge. "It seems we are truly locked in," he said through gritted teeth.

Nia's eyes widened. "Can you not simply undo it?"

"Unfortunately, no. It was designed years ago. The magic is too strong." His jaw clenched in frustration.

"Perhaps you could send a message? Let the guards know of our predicament?" Nia suggested, hoping that someone would come to their aid.

Kiyoshi nodded, returning to his desk. He scribbled out a quick letter and infused it with magic. The parchment vanished in a puff of blue smoke.

"Now, I suppose we must wait," Nia murmured, trying not to let her frustration show. She busied herself with rearranging some of the books on Kiyoshi's shelves, hoping to distract herself from the growing sense of claustrophobia. Kiyoshi, however, remained seated at his desk, his expression distant and thoughtful.

"King Madoc will be arriving tomorrow to discuss the missing children." Kiyoshi spoke suddenly, his tone distant. Nia glanced up from where she'd been examining a tome on the history of magic. "He has been informed of the situation, but he is...concerned."

Nia looked up in surprise. "I see. We must prepare to receive him properly." She hesitated, then asked, "Do you think...we should throw a ball or some sort of event in his honor?"

Kiyoshi shook his head. "No, that would not be appropriate. The situation is far too serious." He rose from his chair and began to pace the room. "I will meet with him myself. I will reassure him that we are doing everything in our power to find the children and bring them home safely."

" We will throw a small ball then," Nia suggested with a smile, hoping to ease the tension in the room. "Something to lighten the mood before the serious business of meeting with the king." Kiyoshi hesitated for a moment, then nodded slowly. "Very well. A small ball it is."

"I must start planning for the ball immediately," Nia said with renewed excitement. "We should make it a truly magnificent affair, something that King Madoc will never forget." She began to pace around the room, her mind already racing with ideas.

"Indeed," Kiyoshi muttered. He knew the ball would be an attempt to distract King Madoc from his fears.

Nia sighed softly. "I did have plans to visit the village today. But I suppose those must wait now."

"Oh? And what business did you have there?" Kiyoshi asked, his voice mildly amused. He could sense Nia's apprehension, but it was clear she was trying to hide it. "You must tell me. Perhaps I can assist you."

"I received a letter from Lord Darius requesting a meeting," Nia explained. "He mentioned that he has been having some...difficulties in his village, and he thought I might be able to offer some advice."

Kiyoshi's expression darkened, his jaw clenching. "Absolutely not. I forbid it." His tone was firm, brooking no argument.

Nia blinked. "But why? Lord Darius is a friend."

"I said no!" Kiyoshi snapped. "You will not meet with any man unless I explicitly allow it."

Nia's eyes widened in surprise. She had never seen him react with such anger. "Your Majesty "I... I do not understand. You've never cared who I interacted with before."

"You are my wife!" Kiyoshi growled. "It is my right to decide." He paused, visibly struggling to control his anger. "I do not want you going anywhere near Lord Darius." He turned away, walking back to his desk and sitting heavily in his chair.

"Decide?" Nia repeated, her voice barely above a whisper. "You make it sound like you own me." She took a shaky breath, trying to calm the sudden surge of anger and hurt that threatened to overwhelm her. "I am not your possession, Kiyoshi. I am not some trophy to be displayed or hidden away when it suits you. I am your wife, yes, but I am also a woman with my own thoughts, my own feelings, and my own desires."

Just then, the door creaked open, and two guards hurried in. "Your Majesty! We came as soon as we received your message. Are you well?"

Kiyoshi stood abruptly. "I am fine," he snapped. "Nia and I were simply discussing the arrival of King Madoc tomorrow. You may return to your duties." The guards exchanged nervous glances before bowing and backing out of the room. The moment the guards left, Kiyoshi spun on his heel to face his wife.

"I will not repeat myself," Kiyoshi said, his voice cold and hard. "You will not meet with Lord Darius. You will not go to his village. You will remain here, at the palace, where I can keep an eye on you. Is that understood?"

Nia glared at her husband, anger burning bright in her eyes. "Yes, it's understood," she said through gritted teeth. He left the room without another glance at Nia. She watched him go, feeling a mixture of frustration, hurt, and anger. It wasn't fair that he could control her so easily, that he could dictate her every move. She had never expected this from Kiyoshi...? 

𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖜𝖆𝖘 𝖜𝖗𝖔𝖓𝖌 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖍𝖎𝖒...?

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