Wolf In Sheep's Clothing.

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Hello folks, for this portion of the book, I decided to interview Life Series members on our subject's behavior during the game's & their personal opinion on him, Grian.

Please note I have deleted my dialogue & questions from each interview, and stitched them together in an appropriate way.

- Your Author, Sully.



" 'Beware, Beware, be skeptical.. of their smiles, their smiles of plated gold. Deceit so natural, but a wolf in sheep's clothing is more than a warning.'

That's a quote I remember all too well, and I feel it applies to the sitch. Look, I know Grian & Scar outside of the games, but holy shit are they psycho. 

Yeah, I still remember when Grian got that triple kill...


Sometimes, at night, that laugh still haunts me. I didn't know he had it in him!"



'Jill's a little whore, and her alibis are dirty tricks'

" Crazy. Look, before I speak, I'll have you know, I do love all my fellow Hermits.

But during Double life, that affair was fucked up.

( Interviewee looks conflicted between sadness & anger, his ears and pinned.)

Like, I get having a secret soulmate is bad, but Grian did it to Scar too! I was scared of them, at first, since I remember Third Life & the events. I figured they'd make a great force.


I don't know how he even slept at night, with everything he did.

I know I did get some form of karma, but still... sometimes I worry about Grian's mental state if he could be that cruel & uncaring."

( ed's note: Grian has since been interveiwed & explained how it was a ... rough time during which he'd been taken. The exact date is November 1st. Explanation not given.)



' Aware, Aware you stalk your prey, with criminal mentality...'

" Limited Life? Oh, I remember that.. 


When Grian got killed by Etho & came back for revenge, I wasn't expecting him to be just that vicious. He fought with a vengeance!

He even jumped out of nowhere, like he was stalking me..


Sometimes I think I see him in dark corners.

I don't get how he went from sweet, prankster Grian to such a wolf in minutes!"

( Ed's note - when asked about this further, Grian just said ' KOV shaped me in ways no one should be shaped.' Did not respond to 



'Jill will leave you lonely, dying in a filthy ditch..'

" .. yes, I'll talk about the infamous Last Life death.

Look, I was just trying to get him on the pressure plate, simple & easy. I didn't expect Grian to turn so fast! It was like he couldn't hear me apologize..

That really changed my opinion of him, especially after he killed Mumbo. I thought I'd never team up with him again, 

He's quite the backstabber, Grian just ruthlessly tears apart his relationships at any hint of a threat.

I hate seeing that side of him, after seeing the goofy sides & the caring sides, like what happened to the Grian who sacrificed himself to the Watchers for us?


I guess he dies in those games."


- Mumbo -

' Maybe you'll change..'

" Secret Life, first session, got it.

That was the one where Grian let Scar reroll, correct...?

( Interveiwee is given confirmation)

That was the first time in the entire games I thought I'd seen the real Grian, not the weird tainted one often seen. I don't understand why he slips into that sort-of  survive is the only important task, but he does really destroy everything.


Still, he was impromptly nice, even if later in the series..

Should I?

( Interveiwee is given comfirmation.)

Even if later he & Etho just destroyed the world with their twinning tasks,

You know, the ones that required them to make a Wither & Warden fight. They could've done it underground, but instead he decided to let both of those..

those monsters loose in the overworld.

God, that was not fun."



' Tell me how your sleeping easy,'

" Last session? Got it.

That one really changed everything.

Look, I've seen how Grian has acted before during the life series, but when it came down..

Holy crud, Sully, he's scary. I like Grian, I find him to be a silly pesky bird who's just goofy.


He was not goofy in those games. 

That TNT trap was insanity, I've never felt that much adrenaline before. That was calculated & precise. Even when we went after him, I thought he'd just surrender like a wounded animal.

No, he fought. He fought like the seven suns, like uh.. like America in the revolution. He had no chance of winning, so his next goal was just malicious-

Grian just wanted us to loose, like it was harsh. I can still see the burning rage in his eyes.

Anyway, I thought Pearl was scary when crossed.. she's nothing compared to him. I wonder if something made him that way..

( .. In an attempt to learn more about the mysterious 'KOV', I ask her about it.)

Kov? I've never heard of it. It must've been really, really terrible if it made Grian like that.

( Interveiwee shudders.)


Closing Remarks.

After having interviewed these wonderful participants, I can only come to one conclusion. Somehow, something or someone called KOV shaped Grian into an unusually bloodthirsty beast, which appears to be his main reason for creating the Life Games, although when asked about it, he responded with a simple ' They made me.'

I do not have enough information to explain why Grian turns this way, I can only tell you he does.

With that, the Life Chapter ends. I hope to one day uncover more information about the incidents that took place prior to Hermitcraft, to perhaps find the source of Grian's aggression.

For now, I settle on unknown causes.

- The Author, Sully.

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