Before you read

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Before you read the before you read: I urge you guys to try at least the first chapter before you guys go, in the many books I've published so many people drop out after the intro before you read page and it makes me kinda disappointed 

So PLEASE try at least the first chapter </3


Tbh, I have no way to defend myself but I watched dune part 2 four times, and I'm watching it a fifth tomorrow. 

I am halfway through the first novel of dune and it's only been half a day since I started

I am going crazy.

ANYWAYS thanks for clicking on this <333 I hope you'll enjoy, I just want to make some things clear before you read in case it gets funky


- This story takes place five years before the start of dune part 2 --> I have aged up the characters so that by the time dune 2 starts, the Feyd-Rautha is 21 and Paul Atreides is something... I don't know, I don't want to do the math rn. ANYWAYS that means that when the main characters meet, they are both 15. This book will span across 6 years (damn) and you will experience Feyd before Paul and you will also experience the dune 2 book with my oc inserted! How fun !!

- I DO NOT know dune lore, however hard I try to act smart in front of my friends, I know so little so PLEASE don't blame me if I get something wrong, you can always dm me or something and it would be greatly appreciated :)) I will mostly be relying on searching things up to get my info and I might change some of the lore to fit my characters, but I will try to keep it as story close as possible

- I have tried my best to make this somewhat political to actually make the story have some sort of plot (??) But I'm not as political as Frank Herbert or as smart as him so...

- I have tried to imitate his writing style as best as possible :3

- ALSO the reverend mother is very old (gaius), and her daughter is like 15. So lets just say the mother decided to bear a child when she was like 50, okay? :( I don't knowww


I will write trigger warnings on the top of each chapter and format the chapters so that you can skip the whole thing without missing out on too much (?)

There is basically every trigger you would expect from the dune book, but some prevelent ones are:

Sexual assault <-- we will not see the characters PHYSICALLy being assaulted, the scene will end before anything happens, but it is implied that it happens. 

Violence <-- ofc, this is dune we are talking about

Incest <-- same as SA, but they will probably be talking about it. I think most people know the story of Feyd so you can skip over it (Hopefully)

If there are any other trigger warnings, I will write them at the top of the chapter!

I would just like you all to know that I don't have a draft on what is going to happen in each chapter, but I do know the plot of the story and the main points. This chapter thingy is just to give a general idea, but things might change!


I do not own any of the characters except for my own, the only plotline I own is Leonara's. The rest belongs to Frank Herbert from the Dune story. 

Much of this story was inspired by quotes from songs and I will be using them <3 I will write somewhere where I took those quotes from if I do add them in.

Have fun reading, bye!

Promise //Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen// DuneWhere stories live. Discover now