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Giedi Prime, 10186

As the wedding preparations surged into full swing, Leonara found herself swept up in a whirlwind of activity from the moment they touched down on Giedi Prime. Stepping off the heighliner, she couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment knowing that she and Feyd had successfully disrupted the Baron's plans, sabotaging weapons, dismantling systems, and aiding the Fremen in their escape.

But amidst the flurry of arrangements and festivities, a shadow loomed over their joyous occasion. The Baron's watchful eye, fueled by suspicion and paranoia, kept a tight grip on them, using the wedding preparations as a guise to keep the couple apart. Leonara saw Feyd only in the night, when she snuck into his bedroom after the day had ended to share stories of their day.

For days on end, Leonara found herself ensnared in the intricate web of wedding planning, her mornings greeted by Naba's smile as she was whisked away to design guest lists and oversee decorations. Yet, amidst the chaos, a glimmer of hope bloomed within her as a shipment of flowers from Caladan arrived, infusing the palace with the scent of life and beauty.

The Baron's reaction to the influx of nature's bounty was predictably hostile, his tirade echoing through the corridors as he raged against the intrusion of floral fragrances into his austere domain.

But Leonara remained undeterred, determined to bring a touch of vibrancy and vitality to the sterile halls of the Harkonnen stronghold. In her moments of respite, Leonara sought solace in the act of tending to her plants, each delicate bloom a testament to her unwavering hope for a brighter future.

Even Feyd, begrudging though he may be, couldn't resist the allure of the blossoms that adorned their surroundings, a small sign of the bond that continued to grow between them. She had decorated both her room and his, adding vines and roses to the black furniture. She spotted him once in a hallway leaning down to smell a daisy. 

As the palace transformed into a tapestry of color and life in preparation for the forthcoming celebrations, Leonara couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude. Despite the challenges and obstacles they faced, she found herself blessed to be betrothed to a man who, beneath his Harkonnen exterior, harbored a heart that beat with kindness and compassion.

In that moment, amidst the chaos and uncertainty, Leonara couldn't help but feel that perhaps, just perhaps, their love was strong enough to weather whatever storms may come their way.

"Leonara, a word, please." The Reverend Mother's voice pierced through the vibrant tapestry of colors and scents that surrounded Leonara, casting a shadow over her momentarily bright world. Anger and fear swirled within her as she followed the Reverend Mother to a secluded hallway, away from prying eyes but not from the bright, colorful blooms that seemed to mock her turmoil.

"I have some... news for you; it might not be... enjoyable, seeing how comfortable you are now." The Reverend Mother's words hung heavily in the air, shattering the fragile facade of happiness that Leonara had clung to.

"And what might the news be?" Leonara's voice trembled, betraying the fear and uncertainty that churned within her.

"We must dispose of Feyd-Rautha." Six words was all it took to tear her hold world down.

The words struck like a thunderbolt, plunging Leonara into a world of darkness and despair. Giedi Prime ceased to spin, the bustling servants froze in their tracks, and everything around her seemed to come to a standstill. She barely believed what she was hearing.

"What?" Leonara's voice was barely a whisper, choked with disbelief and sorrow. The Reverend Mother sighed, the weight of her words heavy upon them both. Her whole world seemed to crumble, and tears pricked her brown eyes.

"You have let your emotions consume you, you have forgotten what it is like to be a true Bene Gesserit."

Tears welled in Leonara's eyes as she struggled to comprehend the enormity of what was being asked of her. "Why?" she managed to choke out, her voice barely audible amidst the chaos of her emotions.

"We are starting to see signs in the Na-Baron. He is starting to become too soft-hearted, too driven by emotion. We would much rather Lord Rabban inherit the throne; the Baron will understand." The Reverend Mother's explanation offered little solace, each word a dagger to Leonara's already wounded heart. "originally, me and the Baron had made an agreement. We would plant you close to his heart and then use you to manipulate him- that was the Baron's benefit of making you fight in the arena; to see how it affected Feyd... but now, the Bene Gesserit believe that we do not even wish to control him. He is useless in our plan after producing the Kwizatz Haderach."

As the Reverend Mother continued to speak, detailing the treacherous plans that had been set in motion, Leonara felt a surge of defiance rise within her. "I won't allow you to kill Feyd," she declared, her voice tinged with anger and desperation.

But the Reverend Mother's laughter cut through her protest like a knife, a cruel reminder of the powerlessness that consumed her.

"Oh dear, I won't be the one killing Feyd, you will."


"You see, though the Feyd Rautha may be starting to show signs of warmth towards you, he still has his guard up for others. He may not even give us an opportunity to use the voice. And while we certainly could if we wanted to, the sisterhood certainly has better things to do than to chase him down all night long. And I believe you must have some educating, if I do say so myself. Your heart has been weakened; this is punishment."

In that moment, as the Reverend Mother's sinister smile bore down upon her, Leonara knew with a sinking heart that she was trapped. "You will kill Feyd the night of your wedding, after you have secured the bloodline," the Reverend Mother commanded, her voice echoing with the chilling certainty of fate.

The realization hit Leonara like a physical blow, leaving her gasping for breath as tears streamed down her cheeks. "No," she whispered, her voice barely audible amidst the tumult of her emotions. She shook her head in denial.

I will never kill him- I...

She felt the power of the voice wash over her, a tide of calm and silence. She breathed in the faint smell of nectar and found a sudden peace. Solace. The Reverend Mother smiled expectantly.

"I will kill Feyd-Rautha"

AN: Just to be clear, she won't forget him or their memories, it's just that she needs to kill him, and she knows that!!

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