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"You... you knew about it," Leonara seethed, the anger in her voice laced with a bitter edge, her finger trembling as she pointed accusingly at the veiled woman before her.

"Of course I did," came the cold, unyielding response, devoid of any hint of remorse.

"Why?" Her voice trembled with a mixture of betrayal and desperation, the weight of her mother's betrayal crushing her spirit.

"Why would you sacrifice your own daughter like that?"

"I needed you to use the voice, girl," her mother stated callously, as if Leonara's suffering meant nothing.

"I told you I didn't want to use it! You don't have the right to force me," Leonara's voice cracked with emotion, her eyes burning with unshed tears of anguish.

"You didn't have to use it, you could've just died—but you didn't. That was a choice," her mother's words cut through her like a knife, each syllable dripping with indifference.

"A choice?" Leonara's laughter was hollow, her heart aching with the agony of betrayal. "I was dying!"

"And you could've chosen to do so if you hated using the voice so much," her mother's tone was dismissive, as if Leonara's suffering were inconsequential.

Leonara stared at her mother, the darkness creeping into the corners of her mind, a chilling reminder of the price she paid every time she used the voice.

"I nearly died, mom. Does that not mean anything to you?"

"Don't be silly, nothing would've happened to you. I knew you would've used the voice," her mother's words fanned the flames of her anger, spurring her fury on more than it should, a stark reminder of her dwindling humanity.

Leonara glowered in silence, the weight of her mother's betrayal suffocating her like a vice grip.

She would go so far as to throw me into an arena to get me to use my voice.

And even now, the price of using such a tremendous amount of the voice already took a toll on her mind. She felt it stoking the fire that was her rage.

Through the haze of her fury, she felt a tear slip down her cheek, a silent testament to the humanity slipping through her fingers like grains of sand.

"What about the Baron?" she asked softly, her voice tinged with a sense of resignation.

"What about him?" her mother's response was curt, her eyes betraying a hint of surprise.

"What did he gain from wasting so many soldiers?" Leonara's voice was hollow, the bitterness of betrayal lingering on her tongue.

"That is information I cannot tell you, child," her mother's words were a cruel reminder of the barriers between them.

"Was it to do with Feyd-Rautha?" Leonara's voice was barely a whisper, anger clouding her mind.

"No," her mother's hesitation spoke volumes.

"What about Feyd?" she demanded, her voice trembling with a mixture of fear and rage.

"Nothing, I told you," her mother's response was swift, but the defiance in her eyes betrayed her words.

"TELL ME!" Leonara's voice thundered, her anger boiling over like a cauldron of molten lava.

"Compose yourself, girl! Do you perceive the anger seizing you? You're a Bene Gesserit!" her mother's words fell on deaf ears, drowned out by the roaring tempest of Leonara's fury.

She stood there, her body shaking with the force of her rage, the fear and betrayal swirling around the atmosphere. And then, without another word, she turned on her heel and stormed away, leaving her mother behind in a wake of betrayal and despair.

Promise //Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen// DuneWhere stories live. Discover now