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Giedi Prime, 10192

Leonara Mohiam was a success. Her initial test with the prisoner had proven her loyalty to the Baron, and she trained more vigorously than ever.

"Isn't it time to show her off?" Tatiana asked. The Baron hummed, tapping his fingers against the arm of his hover chair.

"She truly is remarkable," he agreed, regarding the screen in front of the two that showed a video of Leonara's training. She was ruthless in her fighting, throwing daggers with meticulous precision and stabbing with an intense anger into the dummies that held the faces of Fremen.

"So show her off," Tatiana urged, "show the world that we have won–that we have finally controlled the mark of the Rebellion."

The Baron considered it. Leonara had undergone months of training that tested both her physical and emotional boundaries, pushing her past her limits. And she had pulled through, showing more strength than the Baron had hoped. There was no longer anyone that could match her abilities–not the Sardaukar, not even Feyd Rautha.

He thought of her undying loyalty to him, the way she could only feel anger towards his enemies and loyalty towards him.

She was ready.


"You are to fight in the arena this afternoon, in front of hundreds of the Baron's closest supporters. Do not disappoint him." Tatiana said, narrowing her eyes at the girl in front of her.

Leonara felt a strange flicker of deja vu. The arena?

"Of course." Leonara nodded curtly, her expression stoic as she absorbed Tatiana's words. She knew what was expected of her, and she was determined not to falter. As Tatiana turned to leave, Leonara's thoughts raced with anticipation and a hint of apprehension.

Alone in her chamber, she prepared herself for the upcoming spectacle. With each movement, she felt the weight of her training bearing down upon her, a reminder of the sacrifices she had made to reach this moment.

I will not disappoint the Baron.

She donned her armor with practiced precision, each piece a testament to her dedication and strength. She walked to the arena with determination and coldness, her thoughts racing about the Baron.

She wore the attire of a Harkonnen guard, with modifications to give her more agility and flexibility–to showcase her position as a HArkonnen. She felt powerful in it.

Her hands gripped twin blades, long and glinting in the dimly lit corridor. She could hear the cheering of the crowd on the other side of the door.

"To showcase the talent of the Baron's new weapon, Leonara Mohiam, of the Harkonnens!"

Stepping out into the harsh glare of the arena, Leonara was greeted by a roar of applause from the assembled crowd.

The atmosphere was electric with anticipation, the air thick with excitement and tension.

She breathed in the scent of fresh air, real fresh air, away from the confines of the palace.

As Leonara traversed the sandy floor of the arena, she felt the weight of the spectators' gazes upon her. The stands loomed above, a sea of faces distorted by the heat haze and fervor of the crowd. Their cheers and screams echoed in her ears, mingling with the pounding of her heart.

Arriving at the center, she offered a bow, fanning out her blades on each side in acknowledgement to her master, the Baron Vladimir Harkonnen, whose twisted grin spoke volumes. It was a silent command, a demand for excellence that hung heavy in the air.

Promise //Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen// DuneWhere stories live. Discover now