22 - KHALA

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Caladan, 10186

Under the azure sky of Caladan, the lush greenery sprawled out before them like an endless sea of emerald. Leonara and Feyd found themselves enveloped in a moment of blissful serenity, nestled amidst the verdant landscape as the sun dipped low on the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over the world.

The Baron was at the palace of house atreides for a political arrangement with the Duke, giving the pair as much freedom as they wished.

As they reclined on the soft carpet of grass, Feyd's eyes sparkled with wonder, reflecting the vibrant hues of the setting sun. He had never seen grass before—never felt its tender blades tickle his skin with such gentle caress. To him, it was a revelation, a marvel of nature's beauty that he had only ever dreamed of.

"Is this... grass?" Feyd murmured, his voice filled with awe and wonder as he reached out to touch the verdant blades.

Leonara chuckled softly, her fingers intertwining with his as she leaned in closer. "Yes, Feyd," she replied, her voice soft and melodic. "It's grass. It grows everywhere here on Caladan."

Feyd's lips curved into a delighted smile as he ran his fingers through the lush foliage, marveling at its texture and scent. "It's so... alive," he marveled, his gaze lingering on the swaying blades of green.

Leonara watched him with fondness, her heart swelling with affection for the man beside her. In this moment, she felt a profound connection—a bond that transcended the barriers of duty and destiny.

Leaning in closer, she brushed her lips against his cheek, savoring the warmth of his skin against hers. "I'm glad I could show you this," she whispered, her breath mingling with his.

Feyd turned to her, his eyes shimmering with gratitude and admiration. "Thank you, Leonara," he murmured, his voice filled with sincerity. "For sharing this moment with me."

Leonara smiled, her gaze softening as she met his eyes. "You're welcome, Feyd," she replied, her voice gentle and warm. "It means everything to me to see you so happy."

They laid together in comfortable silence, the soft rustle of the grass beneath them a soothing backdrop to their thoughts. The golden light of dusk bathed the landscape in a warm glow, an entire new revelation to the man who only knew a world in black and white.

Arrakis, 10187

"You two went and killed Harkonnens on your own? Do you comprehend the risks?"

Stilgar's voice was heavy with disappointment as he stared at Chani and Khala, his expression stern. Bowing their heads in shame, Chani and Khala felt the weight of their actions pressing down upon them. They had returned, Khala's stillsuit stained with blood, and now they faced the consequences of their impulsive decision.

"I'm sorry, Stilgar," Chani murmured, her voice filled with remorse.

Stilgar's gaze shifted to Khala, his eyes piercing. "Your first week here and you're already breaking the rules."

"I'm sorry," Khala whispered, her tone tinged with regret.

"Why?" Stilgar demanded, incredulous. "Why? We have plenty of water here. Why must you go and kill for more? Why must you mark a man with a flower?"

"To showcase that I will fight," Khala replied, defiance flashing in her brown eyes. "To show that I will not hide from them. I want the Harkonnens and the Baron to know they haven't killed me; they haven't defeated me."

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