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Giedi Prime, 10192

Feyd left early in the morning, taking his warmth with him. Leonara stirred from her fitful slumber, her mind groggy with the remnants of nightmares and unrest. Blinking away the haze of sleep, she slowly became aware of the empty space beside her, the absence of warmth that had been there just moments before. 

She had no idea where he went so early.

Confusion knitted her brows as she sat up, her gaze scanning the room for any sign of Feyd's presence. But all she found was the stillness of the morning, the silence of solitude echoing around her like a haunting melody. A sense of loss settled over her like a heavy shroud, the realization of Feyd's departure sinking in with a weight that seemed almost suffocating.

Despite the tumult of emotions swirling within her, she couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness that lingered in the wake of his absence. For a moment, she sat there, grappling with the ache in her chest, the longing for his comforting presence warring with the knowledge that duty had called him away.

The slight creak of the bed as she adjusted her position and the soreness of her thighs was a harsh reminder of what had gone down last night.

As Leonara sat there, the memories of the previous night flooded back with brutal clarity, each moment etched into her mind like a painful scar. She couldn't shake the feeling of violation, the sense of betrayal that lingered in the air like a bitter taste. The warmth of Feyd's touch had been replaced by a cold emptiness, leaving her feeling exposed and vulnerable in the harsh light of day.

The events of the night before replayed in her mind like a cruel film, each scene more vivid than the last. She had endured Piter's unwanted advances, his callous disregard for her autonomy leaving her feeling used and discarded. And despite her best efforts to push the memories aside, they lingered like a dark cloud overhead, casting a shadow over her thoughts and emotions.

The soreness in her thighs served as a constant reminder of the physical pain she had endured, a harsh reminder of the scars that would never truly fade. Leonara thought back to the true pain she had felt, a pain more intense than the pain that the fremen had "inflicted". A pain that had come from a man who should've been her healer.

She wondered what was happening to her. Was everything a lie? Was the Baron truly a heartless monster like Feyd had insisted?

Feyd had been beside her the whole night, listening to her wails of sorrow, washing the blood from between her thighs. He had shown her caring, he had given her the warmth that the Baron and Piter were supposed to provide.

Feyd had asked her if she remembered the truth, the real, true feelings that she actually felt. But she didn't. She could only believe what she was taught to believe by the Baron.

Slowly, Leonara stood up, her legs quaking under her body. Despite the turmoil raging within her, she refused to succumb to the darkness that threatened to consume her. With each step she took, she pushed aside the memories of the night before, steeling herself against the pain and uncertainty that plagued her mind.

The palace corridors stretched out before her, their grandeur and opulence serving as a stark contrast to the turmoil that raged within her soul. But as she walked, she couldn't shake the feeling of being trapped, of being suffocated by the weight of her own trauma.

She passed by servants and guards, their gazes flickering with curiosity and concern as they caught sight of her disheveled appearance, the bruises that littered her bare arms and complimented her collar.

Eventually, her wanderings led her to a room she only faintly remembered—a room that held a precious memory, buried beneath layers of pain and suffering. With trembling hands, she pushed open the door and stepped inside, her heart quickening at the sight of the grand piano that stood proudly in the center of the room.

Promise //Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen// DuneWhere stories live. Discover now