33 - KHALA

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Giedi Prime, 10191

"I didn't need your help!" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with exasperation. Her eyes blazed with fiery defiance as she locked her gaze onto the man leaning casually against the wall before her. She had awakened to find herself swathed in bandages, evidence of her recent wounds already beginning to fade. And yet, there he stood, an unwelcome presence lingering in the air.

She didn't like the way he swooped in whenever he wanted. She didn't like the way he saved her. She didn't like the way he made her feel–like he regarded her as something more as just a "pet", and then go back to being simply cruel.

"They hurt you," he said simply, his voice indifferent. She scoffed at his tone, her disbelief evident in the sharpness of her retort.

"And you suddenly care?" she asked incredulously, a bitter edge to her words as she recalled the countless threats he had directed at her and her family.

He had not even defended himself when she had confronted him on lying to her about his knowledge of the sietch's location.

His eyes darkened, a dangerous glint flickering within them as he closed the distance between them. Each step he took sent a ripple of apprehension coursing through her, yet she remained rooted to the spot, unable to tear her gaze away from his piercing stare.

"You're mine, Leonara, whether you like it or not," he said lowly, his words laced with an unsettling mixture of possessiveness and determination.

Her fists clenched at her sides, a surge of defiance coursing through her veins at the sudden assertion of dominance in his voice.

Despite the turmoil raging within her, she refused to let him see her fear, refusing to let him dictate her fate.

His eyes bore into hers, a chilling smile curling on his lips as he studied her reaction. It was as if he relished in the power he held over her, in the knowledge that he could bend her to his will with just a few words.

But Khala refused to be cowed by his threats, refused to let him break her spirit. With a steely resolve, she met his gaze head-on, her own determination shining bright in the darkness.

She raised a hand and slapped him across the face, hard. He recoiled, hand touching gently on the red blotch that marred his pale face.

She had expected anger. Instead, she saw a curiosity in his eyes.


As he advanced towards her, Khala's heart pounded in her chest, a mixture of fear and anticipation coursing through her veins.

She took a step back, her instincts urging her to flee, but something held her in place, rooted to the spot. His gaze never left hers as he closed the distance between them, his presence overwhelming. In one swift movement, he reached out, cupping her cheek, the touch both surprising and electric.

Khala's breath caught in her throat, her mind reeling with conflicting emotions. Before she could protest or push him away, his lips descended upon hers with a fierce urgency that left her gasping for air.

It wasn't like any of the kisses she'd ever shared with him before. There was no sweetness or tenderness.

The kiss was possessive, demanding, as if he sought to claim her very soul.

Despite her initial resistance, Khala found herself yielding to the intensity of the moment, her body responding to his touch in ways she couldn't comprehend.

For a fleeting moment, time seemed to stand still as they stood locked in a passionate embrace, the world around them fading into oblivion. It consumed her, burning through her.

It was a kiss full of hate and anger.

"You're mine, Leonara." He repeated lowly, his voice dancing against her skin. She panted, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she tried to process the whirlwind of emotions raging within her.

"You can't just claim me like some possession," she retorted, her voice trembling with defiance even as her body betrayed her, still yearning for his touch despite the tumultuous storm of emotions raging within her.

His gaze bore into hers, a mixture of intensity and longing swirling in those dark depths. "You belong to me," he murmured, his voice a low growl that sent shivers down her spine. "You always have."

The weight of his words hung heavy in the air, a silent declaration of the undeniable connection that existed between them, forged through adversity and passion alike.

And as much as she wanted to deny it, to break free from the hold he had over her, a part of her couldn't help but crave the intoxicating allure of his presence.

Feeling his hands pushing her back against the wall, Khala's heart raced with a mixture of fear and defiance.

She resisted, planting her feet firmly on the ground, refusing to yield to his overpowering presence. But he was relentless, his grip firm as he pressed her against the cold, unforgiving surface.

The weight of his body pressed against hers, pinning her in place as he loomed over her, his gaze burning with a fierce intensity that sent a shiver down her spine.

He lowered his head once more.

His mouth danced lower, trailing a path of fire along the sensitive skin of her neck. Khala's breath hitched in her throat as a shiver of both fear and desire raced down her spine. Despite the storm of emotions raging within her, she couldn't deny the electric pull he had over her, the intoxicating allure of his touch.

The sharp sting of teeth sinking into her flesh elicited a breathy yelp from Khala's lips. Her body tensed with a mixture of shock and pain as she instinctively tried to recoil from the unexpected attack. But he held her pinned against the wall with a strength that was both terrifying and alluring at once.

"What are you doing?" Khala managed to gather the coherence to say, her voice trembling with a mixture of confusion and defiance.

He pulled back, his eyes studying her now-marked neck with a possessive intensity that sent a shiver down her spine. The red-purple outline of his bite lingered as a stark reminder of his dominance over her. Absent mindedly, she traced her finger over the mark, remembering the warmth of his mouth.

"Only I can hurt you—only I can leave a mark on your body," he declared, his voice dripping with possessiveness and control.

Khala's heart pounded in her chest as she struggled to make sense of his words. The realization of the depth of his possessiveness sent a chill down her spine.

He turned and walked away, his footsteps echoing in the hallway.

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