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Giedi Prime, 10187

Feyd's heart thundered in his chest as the news struck him like a bolt of lightning. Leonara—his beloved, his betrothed—was alive.

Alive, but not as he remembered her.

No, she had shed her former identity like a serpent casting off its skin, adopting a new name among the Fremen—a name that echoed with defiance and rebellion.


The name tasted bitter on his tongue, a cruel reminder of the woman he had once loved and the betrayal that now festered like a wound in his soul.

The news had come from a dying man on the outskirts of Arrakis. His face had been disfigured beyond recognition, three crossed slashes around his face. Leonara had done that to him.

He clenched his jaw.

How could she have done this to him? To them?

The promise they had shared, the bond they had forged—it had all been shattered in an instant, leaving nothing but shattered fragments of his shattered dreams.

Anger surged within him, a seething torrent of fury that threatened to consume him whole. How dare she defy him, abandon him, cast him aside like a discarded plaything?

He had loved her, worshipped her with a devotion that bordered on obsession, and this was how she repaid him? With treachery, with deceit, with the ultimate betrayal?

But beneath the anger lay a deeper, more insidious emotion—a gnawing ache of sorrow, of loss, of a love that had been twisted and warped beyond recognition.

Feyd had loved Leonara with all the passion of a man consumed by desire, but now that love had curdled into something dark and toxic, poisoning his soul with every beat of his broken heart.

He remembered her laughter, her smile, the way her eyes sparkled with mischief and desire. He remembered the warmth of her touch, the softness of her lips, the intoxicating scent of her skin.

And yet, despite it all, she had chosen to leave him, to abandon him to his fate, to betray everything they had ever shared.

And now, as he stood amidst the cold, unforgiving darkness of his chambers, Feyd felt something stir within him—something primal, something savage, something that hungered for vengeance.

He would make her pay for what she had done, he vowed to himself, his voice a harsh whisper in the silent gloom. He would hunt her down, track her to the ends of the earth if he had to, and when he found her, he would show her no mercy. For Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen was a man consumed by rage, driven by hatred, fueled by the burning desire for retribution. And woe betide anyone who dared to stand in his way. For Khala had awoken a beast within him—a beast that hungered for blood, that thirsted for vengeance, that would stop at nothing until justice had been served.

Leonara was alive, yes. But not for long. For Feyd had made a promise of his own—a promise written in blood and etched in stone—a promise that he intended to keep, no matter the cost.

"Zenur," Feyd's voice sliced through the heavy air, commanding attention. From the shadows emerged a guard, his trembling form betraying his fear.

"Yes, my lord," Zenur responded, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I want you to capture every Fremen you encounter," Feyd ordered, his tone cold and merciless. "Torture them for any information about their sietch," he spat the word out like a curse word. Leonara had loved the Fremen, had studied their language, had risked both hers and his lives to save them. But he was naive and in love. He would not make that mistake again. This time, he would make sure to destroy everything she loved,"Then, once you have what you need, kill them. Report back to me with your findings."

Zenur nodded, acknowledging the brutal directive.

But Feyd wasn't finished.

"That's not all," he added, his voice dripping with venom.

Zenur halted, awaiting further instruction.

"If you come across a girl matching this description," Feyd continued, his voice low and dangerous, "with long, straight brown hair and brown eyes, about 5'6" in height..." With the face of a fallen angel. He paused, a pang of anguish flickering in his chest. But as quickly as that flicker of emotion came, it left- leaving only anger.

"Bring her to me. I will deal with her personally."

As Zenur absorbed Feyd's command, a sense of dread settled over him. He understood the gravity of the task assigned to him, the weight of his lord's vengeance hanging heavy in the air.

With a final nod of acquiescence, Zenur disappeared into the darkness, leaving Feyd alone with his thoughts—thoughts consumed by anger, by sorrow, and by the burning desire for revenge.

I will kill Khala.

AN: the design is basically this ✽ but with lines. It's not rlly that important rn, but it helps visualize. 

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