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Heighliner, 10186

The heighliner was set to arrive on Arrakis in a week's time, its vast expanse accommodating only a select few: Leonara, the Baron, and Feyd-Rautha, alongside a scant retinue of servants and cargo.

Feyd-Rautha's purpose was clear—he was to oversee the intricacies of spice production on Arrakis, priming himself for the day when he would inherit the responsibility from the ineffectual Rabban.

Leonara, however, was relegated to the role of Feyd's "pet," a derogatory label bestowed upon her by the Baron himself.

Despite her outward compliance, Leonara burned with curiosity about the Baron's ulterior motives behind her arena fight and his mysterious access to computer technology—an anomaly she had probed Feyd-Rautha about, only to be met with genuine surprise. It had been half a year with no answers; half a year of hungering for the answers to the Baron's devious plans- and she hoped the answers would be on this ship.

With a week of respite stretched before her and the relative privacy of the ship's confines, Leonara vowed to uncover the truth. Surely, she reasoned, the Baron's chambers held clues she could unravel.

"Feyd?" Leonara's voice was a tentative whisper as she approached his quarters.

"Come in," came the curt reply. A servant lingered in the room, her presence a silent testament to Feyd's authority. Leonara caught the flicker of fear in the girl's eyes as Feyd issued his command.

"Leave us," Feyd's tone was sharp. The servant trembled, "but my orders were-"

"Leave." The dagger in his hand, a menacing reminder of his power. The servant scurried away, leaving behind an atmosphere thick with tension.

"Don't be so cruel," Leonara chided, her gaze lingering on the spot where the servant had vanished.

"She's just a servant," Feyd dismissed, but his gaze faltered under Leonara's scrutiny.

"Why did you come?"

"I want to know why the Baron has access to computers," she pressed, her determination unwavering.

"I don't know anything," Feyd's tone held a hint of irritation as he shifted his attention back to Leonara. A hint of his previous coldness to her last year when they had first met peeked through.

"I know," Leonara acknowledged, her resolve steeling. "But the answers may lie within the Baron's quarters."


"Feyd, distract the Baron," Leonara urged in a hushed tone, her voice tight with urgency. "Whistle if he comes."

He frowned at the directive, clearly displeased at being ordered around, but ultimately complied and left. As he departed, Leonara's heart pounded with a mixture of hope and apprehension. She hurried into the Baron's chambers, her steps quick and purposeful, praying that Feyd's distraction would be enough to keep the Baron occupied.

The room was Spartan, containing only the essentials—a desk, a closet, and a bed. Leonara took a deep breath, steeling herself for what lay ahead. She crossed her fingers, hoping that this risky venture would yield valuable information; that somewhere amidst the simplicity of the room, the Baron had hidden something scandalous.

Starting with the desk, Leonara sifted through the papers, her fingers moving with desperate precision. She discovered records of numerous withdrawals, vast sums of money siphoned from the profits of spice harvesting on Arrakis. The amounts were staggering, totaling hundreds of millions—a significant portion of Arrakis' earnings.

"What is he using this for?" Leonara muttered under her breath, her brows furrowing in consternation as she delved deeper into the documents. Amidst the scrolls, she uncovered a letter bearing the unmistakable wax seal of House Corrino.

With trembling hands, she broke the seal and unfolded the parchment, her heart sinking with each passing line. The contents of the letter revealed a web of deceit and treachery that sent a chill down her spine. Just as realization dawned upon her, a sharp whistle pierced the air, snapping Leonara out of her reverie.

She hastily replaced the letter and closed the desk drawer, her movements swift and furtive. With the rhythmic footsteps of the Baron drawing closer, she slipped out of the room, her pulse racing with a mix of fear and determination. As she hurried to find Feyd, her mind raced with the implications of what she had discovered. She found him in the dining hall, his expression expectant as he bit into an apple.

"Did you find anything?" he asked, his tone tinged with anticipation. Leonara swallowed hard, her throat suddenly dry. "Yes, it's worse than I could've imagined"

"What is it?" Feyd pressed, his eyes searching hers for answers.

"The Emperor..." Leonara began, her voice trembling with the weight of the revelation. "He's lending his Sardaukar to assist in the destruction of a Fremen sietch in Arrakis. He also gave the Baron permission to attempt and use AI."

"For what?"

"To exterminate the Fremen", she said solemnly.

Feyd's features hardened with resolve, a flicker of fear mingling with determination in his eyes.

"When?" he demanded, his voice edged with urgency.

"The third day we arrive," Leonara replied, her voice barely above a whisper. Without a word, Feyd clenched his jaw in determination.

"Then we'll have to find a way to stop it," he declared, his resolve unwavering.

"A rebel, I like it," Leonara teased, a wry smile tugging at the corners of her lips. He scowled at her, "I'm only doing this for you, okay?"

AN: I think in the movies he doesn't seem like the type of person to disobey his "orders", but I guess part of his character arc is becoming a lil more rebellious (he turns back to the grumpy feyd we know and love in the story six years later but we'll see why later :3 ugh im so excited to write that part)

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