49 - KHALA

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Giedi Prime, 10193

Khala and Feyd found themselves on Arrakis, the treacherous desert planet, where Feyd was tasked with stabilizing the spice trade after Rabban's failure. Meanwhile, Khala languished under the watchful gaze of the Baron, imprisoned within the confines of a stark, desolate room. Khala was kept under the watchful eye of the Baron, locked up in a room.

He did not know she had gotten her memory back, of course, though he was afraid. Afraid that Arrakis would "bring back her memories" as Sheana had done the last time. So he never let her out. Day and night, she only saw the bland white walls and the shredded training dummy before her, broken with the sword training Tatiana had forced her to do.

Despite the monotony of her surroundings, Khala refused to succumb to despair. Each day, she trained with a fierce determination, honing her skills with a sword that had become an extension of herself. The rhythmic sound of steel against steel echoed through the room, a testament to her unwavering resolve.

But despite her physical strength, Khala felt a gnawing sense of frustration deep within her. Locked away in solitude, she longed for the freedom to roam the vast expanses of Arrakis, to feel the heat of the desert sun on her skin and the sting of the sand whipping against her face. Yet, no matter how fervently she yearned for escape, the Baron's watchful eye remained ever-present, a constant reminder of the shackles that bound her to this prison of her own making. But then, one day, a whisper of hope stirred within her heart as she heard the faint sound of footsteps approaching her door.

With bated breath, she watched as the latch clicked open, revealing the silhouette of a familiar figure framed against the harsh glare of the corridor beyond. It was Feyd, his presence filling the room with an air of uncertainty. Khala's pulse quickened at the sight of him, her heart torn between fear and longing.

She had not seen him since their arrival on Arrakis, and the sight of him now filled her with a mixture of hope and trepidation.

"Feyd," she breathed, her voice barely above a whisper as she took a step towards him. But before she could utter another word, the sound of heavy footsteps echoed through the corridor, signaling the arrival of the Baron himself.

Khala's heart sank as she watched the Baron enter the room, his gaze cold and calculating as he fixed her with a steely glare. She knew that any hope of escape had been dashed in an instant, replaced by the suffocating weight of her captivity. But even as despair threatened to consume her, Khala refused to surrender to defeat. With a defiant glint in her eyes, she squared her shoulders and met the Baron's gaze head-on, silently vowing to never give up the fight for her freedom.

"Leonara," he said smoothly. She bowed her head, trying to force the sheer admiration she was supposed to feel for him into her eyes. He looked at her for a moment before averting his gaze.

Feyd's eyes bore into hers, fear mingling the indifference he was trying to mask his worry with. She swallowed, turning her gaze back to the Baron.

"We have gotten a prisoner from the so called, sietch. We want you to interrogate her for information on Muad'ib."

Khala's stomach churned with unease at the Baron's request, her instincts screaming at her to refuse. But she knew better than to defy him openly, especially with Feyd's worried gaze boring into hers. With a forced nod, she managed to muster a semblance of compliance, her voice barely above a whisper as she acquiesced to the Baron's orders.

"As you wish, my lord," she replied, her words laden with a heavy sense of resignation. With a curt nod from the Baron, Khala was escorted from the room by a pair of armed guards, their presence a stark reminder of the powerlessness that gripped her like a vice.

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