54 - KHALA

520 19 12

Giedi Prime, 10193

Khala wasn't ready. In fact, she never was. As much as she hated to admit it, she had always been afraid. She had been afraid to land on Giedi Prime, she had been afraid to fight in the arena, and she had been afraid to kill. Now, she was afraid to face Feyd.

The troops were massive, with almost a thousand Freedom Fighters lined up row after row after row.

She stood in the front, wearing a slightly modified uniform. She had an amplifier next to her suit, ensuring the maximum usage of her voice. The rest of the army all got earplugs that could provide communication and prevent them from the effects of her power.

"It's good to have you back." Khala looked at Lady Jessica. She had changed so much since the last time Khala had seen her. She seemed wiser.

"I'm happy to be back."

Paul had declared his survival to the emperor just a day before, and his vision stated that the emperor would be arriving in a few short hours.

With a signal from Khala, the thumpers were put in place. Dozens of thumps made the ground shudder. The sand shifted and the familiar clicking of the sandworms drew closer. Suddenly, 12 giant sandworms burst out from under the sand, their mouths open.

The fremen expertly mounted the creatures, their movements swift and practiced. Khala climbed onto the back of one of the worms, feeling its immense power thrumming beneath her. The sight of a thousand warriors astride the great sandworms was awe-inspiring, a testament to the strength and resilience of the fremen people.

Khala's heart swelled with pride as she looked out over her comrades, each of them prepared to fight for their freedom.

The journey to Arrakeen was swift, the sandworms carrying them across the desert at incredible speeds. The wind whipped past Khala's face, the scent of spice filling her nostrils as they rode.

She couldn't help but think of Feyd, the inevitable confrontation that awaited them. As they neared the city, Khala raised her voice, the amplifier ensuring that every word reached her troops.

The sight of Arrakeen growing larger on the horizon filled them with renewed determination. The city was a fortress, heavily guarded by Harkonnen troops, but the fremen had the element of surprise on their side. As they closed in on the city, the sandworms began to slow, their massive bodies coming to a halt just outside the walls of Arrakeen. Khala dismounted, her feet sinking into the sand as she surveyed the battlefield.

Paul landed softly beside her, holding up binoculars to see the emperor's troops landing. It was all of the Sardauakar.

Paul grimaced, "he's right on time."

Paul gathered the leaders of the legions into a cave, drawing a makeshift map on the sand.

"I want stilgar to attack from the east, the storm will shield you guys. On my signal, Gurney will unleash the bombs and blow up these mountains," he pointed at the mini mountains on the diagram, "so that the storm can come through. I will attack from the south, with the fundamentalist troops." He looked around, his blue eyes all-seeing, "many will die. But this is what is required to have our freedom."

Everyone huddled around and nodded.


Paul stood up and walked outside to a platform that overlooked the legions. From above, it was even more massive. Bodies and bodies of pure power, shaped from the conditioning of the harsh weather of Arrakis. The chatter silenced as Paul walked out, his eyes fierce.

He raised his crysknife, "Long live the fighters!"

Everyone below cheered, raising their daggers as well. They had been living under oppression for centuries, and now was their time to fight.

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