31 - KHALA

862 35 5

Giedi Prime, 10191

She had been granted permission to wander the halls of the palace, and she took that liberty at it's first chance, roaming the hall at night. There was something oddly soothing about the moonlight filtering in through the windows. But her late night promenade had to end, as the black sun slowly rose from the horizon, bringing a monochromatic light into the world.

The hallway stretched before Khala, its dimly lit corridors casting long shadows that danced like specters in the flickering torchlight.

She walked with cautious steps, her heart pounding in her chest as she made her way back to her chambers, a place she had come to dread. As she reached the door to her room, two guards emerged from the shadows, their faces hidden beneath the helmets of their uniforms.

In their hands, they carried a tray of food—a meager offering meant to sustain her through the long, lonely hours of her captivity. The same meal as before, a stale piece of bread infused with tiny specks of melange and watery soup, though this time it bore a mush that made bile rise in Khala's throat. It was brown and unidentifiable, giving off a putrid odor.

"Your meal, my lady," one of them said, his voice muffled by the mask he wore. Khala hesitated, looking at the unappetizing meal.

But before she could act, Feyd's voice echoed through the hallway, cutting through the silence like a knife. "What is this?" he demanded, his tone icy and dangerous.

What is he doing here?

The guards froze, their eyes widening in terror as they realized their mistake.

Khala's breath caught in her throat as she watched the scene unfold before her, a sense of dread settling over her like a suffocating blanket.

"It's... it's the meal for Lady Khala," one of the guards stammered, his voice trembling with fear. Feyd's eyes narrowed into slits, his gaze boring into them with a predatory intensity.

"And you thought it was acceptable to bring her this?" he growled, his voice dripping with malice. He prowled forward, a wolf cornering his prey. His movements were akin to something feline.

Without warning, he lunged forward, his movements swift and brutal.

In an instant, he had drawn his blade—a gleaming dagger that glinted in the dim light of the hallway. A purple flash of amethyst caught Khala's eyes, and she instantly recognized the weapon he used to end the fates of the guards.

The guards backed away in terror, their hands raised in a feeble attempt to defend themselves. The tray clattered to the floor, the soup spilling over the black surface.

But Feyd was relentless, his fury driving him forward with a ferocity that bordered on madness. Without a word, he slashed out with his blade, striking one of the guards across the chest with a sickening thud. His face seemed unbothered, even as he took the life of another.

The guard staggered backward, his eyes wide with shock as blood gushed from the wound, staining his uniform crimson. He collapsed onto the floor in a heap, and Feyd turned to look at the other guard.

The other guard turned to flee, but Feyd was faster. With a swift motion, he lunged forward and buried his dagger deep into the guard's back, eliciting a strangled cry of pain.

Feyd stayed in the position, plunging the dagger deeper into the man's back until the two of them fell onto the floor.

Khala watched in horror as their bodies writhing in agony as they gasped for breath. Feyd stood over them, his chest heaving with exertion as he surveyed the scene before him with a cold detachment. It was frightening. There was only the slightest hint of anger, and then simply... cruelty.

Promise //Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen// DuneWhere stories live. Discover now