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Giedi Prime, 10192

Leonara walked with the stealth of a tiger stalking it's prey as she walked through the dark corridor to the guest wing. She wore an outfit in all black, different than the chunky armor plates she usually wore. This outfit was tight fitted, merging her with the shadows of the late night and matching the shiny black collar nestled on her neck. It was the correct choice, concealing her from her victim.

Leonara's back was strapped with two twin blades, and Leonara's hands were already itching towards them as she inched closer to the room.

Leonara was angry. So very angry, that she needed an outlet for her emotions. She had no one to talk to, nothing to help her, so she resorted to murdering her problem. It was the easiest way; it was the way she was taught.

Tatiana had helped with Leonara's second round of training, and though it was different than the repeated, "the fremen are your enemies," the fundamental idea was still the same. Kill first, ask questions later. Be savage, be cruel: be a harkonnen.

And tonight, Leonara would be a harkonnen.

Quietly, Leonara picked the lock before slipping into the room, closing the door without a sound. It was pitch black in this room, and Leonara's eyes took a while to adjust to the darkness. The only light source was a sliver of moonlight from a crack in the dark curtains that shone light on her victim's peaceful sleep/

Leonara's ears strained as she stayed, silent near the doorframe, shrouded in shadows. She heard a faint snoring, insurance that her victim was still asleep. She would finish the victim off quickly without any screaming to disturb the other guests, let out her anger on the reason for it.

Leonara darted out and reached the bed, gazing down disdainfully at the peaceful body below her.

Luciana seemed to immediately start having a nightmare, her mouth twisting in a frown and her eyebrows pulled together the moment Leonara arrived at her bedside. Her hands clenched the bedsheets, and Leonara observed the cold sweat coating the woman's body.

Leonara lifted one of her blades up. Luciana's eyes wrenched open, darting around and landing on the knife posied above her throat. Immediately, her eyes widened with fear and recognition.

"You– you're my nightmare," she said, tears gathering in the corner of her eyes. Her widened eyes showed nothing but pure terror, and something close to acceptance, even as her life flashed before her eyes.

She knew there was no way to escape the Baron's new monster, she would show no mercy, she would make no flaws.

"I hope I am," Leonara snarled, before raising her blade higher, the silver catching the light of the moon and glinting ominously in the room, briefly banishing the darkness with light. But there was no light in what was to happen. Luciana was going to die for what she said about Leonara's master, her controller, the master of the puppet.

For my Baron.

With relentless determination, Leonara brought the blade down swiftly and silently, severing Luciana's life with a single, brutal stroke. There was no remorse in her gaze, no hesitation in her movements—only the cold, calculating resolve of a predator claiming its prey. The sound of the blade slicing through flesh was barely audible amidst the quiet of the room. It was such a beautiful sound that Leonara revelled in.

Luciana's eyes glazed over, looking unseeingly at the ceiling, her mouth parted.

For a moment, Leonara stood over the lifeless form of her victim, her chest heaving with the exertion of her actions, her hands stained red.

A twisted grin made it's way across her face as she surveyed the death that she had brought.

As she withdrew the blade, a sense of grim satisfaction washed over her, mingling with the adrenaline coursing through her veins. She had exacted her revenge, silenced the one who had dared to defy her, and in that moment, she felt an intoxicating rush of power.

But as she turned to leave the room, a faint twinge of something—perhaps regret, perhaps uncertainty—nagged at the corners of her mind. She pushed it aside, burying it beneath the weight of her conviction, unwilling to dwell on the consequences of her actions.


"Leonara, did you kill her?" the Baron insisted, his voice demanding of his loyal servant. He was not angry, no. He was impressed, scared, even, of her undying loyalty towards him.

Leonara had been summoned early that morning, when chaos had broken out about a woman's throat being slit while she was slumbering. The people were scared, terrified of the monster that was doing it. Some thought it was Leonara, stating facts about the girls previous fight, but they soon found themselves unable to talk anymore.

The Baron had blamed it on a servant, who was conveniently found with a bloody knife in their robe, which he knew was Leonara's doing.

"I'm sorry, master, I thought-"

Leonara's voice trailed off as she met the Baron's penetrating gaze, her words catching in her throat as she struggled to find the right explanation for her actions. She had expected condemnation, perhaps even punishment, for her brazen display of loyalty.

She had caused him trouble, and she would suffer.

"Why did you do it?"

But the Baron's reaction was unexpected, his voice a mixture of awe and admiration.

The silence stretched between them, thick with tension, as Leonara searched for the words to justify her actions. She knew she had acted without hesitation, without doubt, driven by her unwavering devotion to the Baron.

But now, faced with his probing scrutiny, she found herself faltering, uncertain of how to explain the violence she had unleashed in his name. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, she spoke, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I... I did what I thought was necessary, master. To protect your honor, your authority." The Baron's gaze was not angry, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips as he regarded his loyal servant.

Leonara's eyes darted around the room under the Baron's scrutiny, seeing Piter de Vries staring at her with a strange look in his eyes. A look that Leonara did not see often. She would've flinched– the old Leonara would've flinched, but she didn't. Leonara's gaze locked back to her master's, seeing the fire in his eyes.

"And protect it you did, Leonara," he replied, his voice filled with cunning. "Your loyalty knows no bounds, and for that, you have my deepest gratitude."

Relief flooded through Leonara at his words, washing away the doubts that had plagued her moments before. She had feared his judgment, feared that her actions would be seen as a betrayal of his trust. But now, as she stood before him, she knew that she had done what was necessary to prove her loyalty, to reaffirm her place by his side.

"Serve me well and you will be rewarded."

AN: Next chapter will go into darker topics that haven't been as prevelant, though slightly discussed or implied. Please read trigger warning, I swear it helps her character developement and her relationship w Feyd. Don't read it if it is a topic that will trigger you, I will make a dotted line that will show you when you can read again. 


and I guess after, it can be explained through dialogue or thought- so it will also be heavily implied. You can skip the whole chapter iyw (??)

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