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Giedi Prime, 10185

"You have acquitted yourself admirably, Leonara," intoned Mother, her voice a measured cadence that held no pride. Leonara inclined her head in acknowledgment, a subtle ripple of pride coursing beneath the surface. "Thank you, Reverend Mother," she murmured, her words a deferential echo in the cavernous chamber.

"Yet, we stand at the threshold of our final endeavor," Mother continued, her tone as inscrutable as the depths of the abyss. "Though you have navigated the treacherous currents thus far, a yet greater challenge lies ahead."

Leonara's brow furrowed imperceptibly, a flicker of apprehension stirring within her breast. "And what might that be?" she inquired, her voice a careful modulation of curiosity.

"To impress the Na-Baron, Feyd-Rautha," came Mother's solemn decree, her words hanging heavy in the air like the ominous portent of a storm on the horizon.

At the mention of the name, a shiver of dread coursed through Leonara's veins, conjuring specters of authority and menace. Was Feyd-Rautha to be a mirror of his uncle? She suppressed a tremor, clinging to the fragile hope that perhaps this Na-Baron would possess a countenance less formidable... less grotesque than his uncle was.

Yet, amidst the tumult of her thoughts, a memory stirred—a memory of a stranger whose visage had haunted her dreams. She recalled the allure of his form, a beauty veiled in shadows and mystery. It was a memory she dared not dwell upon, yet one that tugged at the corners of her consciousness with relentless persistence.

"Will Feyd-Rautha be... unappealing?" Leonara ventured tentatively, her words weighted with a hint of trepidation. It was not a smart question to ask, of course, however her curiosity got the best of her.

Mother's gaze bore into her with an intensity that bordered on reproach. "We do not speak of such trivialities, child," she admonished, her voice a stern rebuke cloaked in maternal concern. "This is a matter of duty and diplomacy, not idle musings on beauty."

Leonara swallowed hard, chastened by her mother's admonition. "Yes, Mother," she murmured, her resolve tempered by the steel of determination. In the crucible of politics and power, sentimentality held no sway. Duty was her compass, she would not stop for the fear of unappeal. She was a bene Gesserit, after all.

"Now, we must get going to see the Baron and his nephew. I think the Na-Baron may acquire a liking to your visage." This time, her mother's voice betrayed satisfaction, maybe even pride. Leonara smiled gratefully, "Thank you, Reverend Mother."

The two of them walked with a few servant's accompaniment towards the Baron's room. The hallways were recognizable to Leonara, having walked these very steps last night. The same night she saw him.

Stop that, set your sights on what is to come, she admonished. The Reverend mother glanced at her.

"What troubles you, Child?" she asked.

I was too obvious about being distracted

"Nothing, I am simply troubled whether or not the Na-Baron will like me," she said easily, the truth veiled under a facade of fake concern. Her words, a calculated admission that tipped at the edge of deception. There was no point blatantly lying to the Reverend Mother.

"He will favor you, do you hear me?" She said firmly, stopping in her tracks to look at Leonara. Her eyes were dark pits that bore into Leonara's soul. The crowd of servants around them stopped as well. She placed her hands on her daughters shoulders, "You hold the power, child. And if he proves resistant, if he dares to deny you his favor..." she paused, her lips parted, about to utter the words Leonara dreaded, "You have the voice."

"Mother, I don't wish to use the voice."

"But your voice is powerful, we have cross-breeded for generations to make an individual with a voice as strong as yours. Do not waste it, girl."

Reverend Mother turned around and continued walking. Leonara lowered her head. She had only used the voice a select amount of times in her life, and she hated it each time. She hated the way it made her feel inhumane, and despite how many of her sisters urged her to use her talent, even despised her for having so much power within the voice... She couldn't bring herself to use it. She would much rather use persuasiveness: a much more diplomatic approach.

Yet, in the face of this new world, a small part of her knew that diplomacy wouldn't suffice. The time to use the voice was yet to come, and she dreaded the time it did.

A heavy weight of destiny fell upon Leonaras shoulders as the two of them stopped in front of a pair of intimidating darkened doors. Beyond that door, lay her betrothed, the man she will tether her life to. Not out of love, but duty.

I must not fear, fear is the mindkiller

Faintly, Leonara mouthed her rehearsed speech, I am pleased to meet you, Na-Baron, Feyd-Rautha. I hope that we can form good relations and foster mutual respect.

The Reverend Mother glanced at Leonara, lingering for too long to be fear, a warning, a reminder of the delicate balance they were treading on, before knocking on the door six times in an irregular pattern. Two slowly, three in a triplet beat, and the last one a heartbeat after the rest. Leonara straightened.

Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.

"Come in."

The servants pushed the doors open, revealing the room she had entered last night. Her eyes darted around the room, eventually settling on the form beside the Baron.

Leonara let out a sharp intake of breath. It was him.

Leonara saw his eyes flicker with surprise, and watched him glance at his uncle in confirmation.

"Nephew, Lady Leonara and Lady Gaius," the baron said, gesturing at the newcomers. They bowed.

"Guests, this is my nephew, Feyd-Rautha."

So that's who you were, she thought.

"As you are both aware, Lady Leonara is to marry Feyd-Rautha in two years, and she is to live here in Giedi Prime and be with him."

Leonara walked forward cautiously and got onto both knees. She bowed her head and stared at his polished shoes. "I am pleased to meet you, Na-Baron, Feyd-Rautha. I hope that we can form good relations and foster mutual respect," She said smoothly. She looked back up and saw a frown on his face. His beautiful features were marred by that sour expression, and her heart dropped.

I displeased him, she thought fearfully. The rigidness of his shoulders showed signs of anger or annoyance. Leonara got up quickly and bowed.

What have I done wrong?

"I am pleased to meet you as well, Lady Leonara." His voice was rough, much unlike the velvety smooth tone she remembered from last night.

There must be something wrong, she thought. His body language was so different from last night, so much more tense. Confusion gnawed at her consciousness.

Was he afraid? Of me? Or was he afraid of his uncle? Leonara risked a glance at the Baron. The Baron seemed to be studying Feyd-Rautha, his beady eyes trying to find a fault in his nephew. Feyd-Rautha stood as stiff as a board, unmoving.

Is he afraid of both of us?

Leonara bowed once more, turned around, and left the room. She felt the weight of the Harkonnen's gaze on her back as she left. Once she heard the metallic clicking of the door closing, Leonara turned to her reverend mother.

"Feyd-Rautha doesn't like me," she cried. Fear, sadness and confusion overcame her.

"Then you will take whatever means to win his favour, do understand?"

"Yes, Reverend Mother."

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