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Since the dawn of her consciousness, the threads of her existence had been woven by unseen hands, each decision predetermined, each step meticulously orchestrated. Even in the tender years of her fifteenth cycle around the sun, autonomy eluded her grasp. Such was the fate of one birthed into the lineage of the emperor's truthsayer—a life bound by duty, not desire.

Thus, it was unsurprising that she found herself ensconced within the cavernous confines of a heighliner, a vessel poised to ferry her towards the Harkonnens through space, a sacrificial offering upon the altar of alliance between the Bene Gesserit and the House Harkonnen.

Marriage to the heir of the Harkonnens awaited her, a ceremonial union meant to cement the fragile ties between their houses. She, a mere pawn in the grand chessboard of interstellar politics, resigned to her role as a pawn in the game of power. 

Leonara held no disdain for her people. Their plans were great, and she was to play a major role in their story. The hand of fate had decreed her betrothal long before her spirit merged with flesh. Her existence was merely a vessel for the ambitions of her peoples.

Lady Jessica's deviation from the Bene Gesserit's meticulous design had disrupted their plans, thrusting the prophesied Kwizat Haderach into the realm of uncertainty by providing a male instead of a female a generation too early. However, the Bene Gesserit always had a backup plan. Leonara, destined to be the consort of Feyd-Rautha, heir of the Harkonnen lineage, bore the burden of birthing the true Kwizat Haderach, the one foretold by ancient prophecy.

"Do not let fear cloud your resolve, child," admonished Gaius Helen Mohiam, her voice a stern whisper at Leonara's side.

"I fear nothing, Reverend Mother," came the dutiful response, though beneath the facade of composure lay the tremors of uncertainty.

"Do not lie to a Bene Gesserit," Gaius snapped, her eyes flashing dangerously, "Honesty is our creed."

Leonara bowed her head, "Forgive me, Reverend Mother," she murmured, steeling herself against the weight of expectation. She straightened to show signs of supposed strength, and her mother looked away.

"To fulfill our purpose, you must ingratiate yourself with the na-Baron," Gaius commanded, her tone brooking no argument.

"Why?" Leonara dared to question, a rare deviation from the doctrine of obedience. The answers rarely came, after all, if a Bene Gesserit wanted you to know something, you would have no questions.

"The Baron seeks only the happiness of his nephew," came the clipped response.

Liar, Leonara thought. The rigidness of her shoulders, the slight quivering of her bottom lip, and the millisecond of hesitation gave the lie away.

Yet, Leonara chose not to press further, recognizing the boundaries of her knowledge.

Some lies are easier to believe than the truth, she remembered a passage from the OC bible she clutched in her hands. Her mother must have a reason for her concealment.

The stars outside twinkled and the mono-chromatic planet that was starting to shed the shadows of space. 

"In unfamiliar waters, you shall swim alone, and yet you shall endure," Gaius intoned, her voice softened by a rare tenderness. "Are you prepared, my child?"

"This is my destiny, Mother." 

Promise //Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen// DuneWhere stories live. Discover now