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Giedi Prime, 10185

The chamber of the Baron sprawled vast and oppressive, swallowed by shadows that seemed to coalesce in the corners, casting eerie shapes upon the bleak furnishings. Each piece of furniture loomed like a silent sentinel, bearing witness to the clandestine machinations unfolding within. The Baron, ensconced upon a couch, was shrouded in a cloak of darkness, a figure both imposing and grotesque. His corpulence strained against the fabric of his robe, rendering him a macabre spectacle of excess and deformity.

Leonara's apprehension swelled within her as she beheld the Baron's form, a visage reminiscent of decay given corporeal form. Her mind involuntarily conjured images of Feyd Rautha, the Baron's equally sinister progeny, drawing parallels that sent shivers down her spine. Though her union with Feyd-Rautha was born of political necessity, she found herself grappling with the desire for some semblance of connection, a futile yearning in the face of such repugnance. She wished that she and Feyd-Rautha could form a bond of some sort.

Piter's abrupt departure left Leonara vulnerable, adrift in the suffocating atmosphere of the chamber. With a resolve born of desperation, she summoned the strength instilled within her by years of rigorous training in the sanctum of the chapterhouse.

"Come, child," the Baron beckoned, his voice a serpent's hiss that slithered through the air, chilling her to the core. Steeling herself, she approached the Baron, each step a testament to her fortitude, though her heart pounded with a primal rhythm of dread. Her facade of bravery masked a tempest of fear raging beneath the surface. The weight of his gaze bore down upon her, stripping her of pretense and leaving her exposed, vulnerable.

I must not fear

In that moment, she felt as though the Baron could see into the depths of her soul, peeling back layers of her being with a precision that bordered on the supernatural.

Fear is the mind-killer

Her defiance faltered beneath the intensity of his scrutiny, though she fought to maintain a facade of stoicism, a facade crumbling like ancient ruins before an inexorable tide.

Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration

A flicker of something indefinable danced within the depths of the Baron's eyes, a subtle shift in the tenebrous depths that hinted at a myriad of unspeakable truths.

I will face my fear

Was it displeasure that clouded his gaze, or something far more insidious lurking beneath the surface?

I will permit it to pass over me and through me

The faint curl of his lips suggested a satisfaction that sent a shiver coursing down Leonara's spine, a premonition of horrors yet to come.

And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path

For an agonizing moment, the chamber was suffused with a palpable tension, thick as the fog that shrouded the moors on a moonless night. Leonara held her breath, suspended in a liminal space between dread and resignation, her fate hanging in the balance like the sword of Damocles poised to fall.

Where the fear has gone there will be nothing

At last, the Baron's verdict rang out like a death knell, shattering the fragile facade of composure she had painstakingly crafted. "You will do," he declared, each word dripping with a venomous certainty that sent bile rising in her throat.

She felt relief wash over her and she fought to conceal her desperation.

Only I will remain.

"You will meet my nephew tomorrow," he said, reaching out and clasping her hand in his. It was clammy and the feeling of his flesh against hers felt wrong. It felt like touching a corpse.

This feyd rautha, could he be as grotesque as his uncle? She composed herself and gave a small smile.

"Of course, Baron."


Hiii! I'm not sure if I should continue writing such short chapters... should i make them longer or should i make them shorter? IDK, ill see as the story goes on! feel free to suggest which one you'd prefer or if your looking for something certain in the story !!

See you guys in the next chapter :D

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