38 - KHALA

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Giedi Prime, 10192

Sheana had never thought she would make it out of the war alive. She had been born into oppression, and her whole life, all she had known was the Harkonnens. But that gave her something special: a spirit.

She had always had a spirit, a fighting spirit to liberate herself, her family, and her people. The people around her had observed her fiery nature since she was a child, some even hating her for it. But her fire was a passion that burned for the fremen. And in her passion, she always knew that one day, in the foreseeable future, she would die honorably, her death helping the greater good of her people.

And as she had predicted, she did not die in vain.

When Sheana saw that knife held by the hands of her friend, who forgot everything she had loved, Sheana knew what she had to do. The last thing Sheana remembered was a flickering of recognition in Khala's eyes, a fearful voice begging her to wake up.

Her death had not been in vain, for she had woken up the spark of the rebellion.


Khala's heart shattered as she gazed upon the lifeless form of her dear friend. The weight of guilt pressed heavily upon her, threatening to crush her spirit beneath its unbearable burden.

Slowly, her gaze lowered to her hands, in the shadow of Khala's body, shielded from the black sun that was now stained crimson with Sheana's blood–a splash of colour in the mono-chrome world.

The realization of what she had done pierced her soul like a dagger, plunging her into a maelstrom of anguish and despair. Every memory flooded back with agonizing clarity, each moment of betrayal and devastation seared into her consciousness. She had been the instrument of Sheana's demise, the one who had snuffed out the light of her friend's life. The enormity of her actions threatened to engulf her, leaving her drowning in a sea of remorse and regret.

Tears welled in Khala's eyes, mingling with the blood that coated her trembling hands. With a sob, she collapsed beside Sheana's lifeless body, her cries echoing in the stadium

She reached out, fingers trembling, to gently brush away a lock of hair from Sheana's peaceful face, her heart breaking with each tender touch. I

n that moment, Khala felt the crushing weight of her grief bear down upon her, threatening to suffocate her with its suffocating embrace. She clung to Sheana's memory, desperate for solace in the midst of her torment, but found only emptiness where once there had been laughter and warmth.

As she wept over her fallen friend, Khala knew that she could never undo the harm she had caused. Sheana was gone, lost to her forever, and Khala was left to grapple with the agonizing truth of her betrayal. In the silence of the chamber, her cries echoed like a dirge, a haunting lament for a friendship torn asunder by the cruel hand of fate.

"Why... why did you do that?" Khala whispered, stroking Sheana's messy hair, "you should've killed me."

The whole stadium was silent, no one daring to say a word.

A wail pierced the silent crowd. A guttural, anguished wail.

"Never give your water to the dead," Khala could even hear her friend reprimanding her. But it didn't matter. Khala wasn't fremen anymore. Khala didn't even exist. Khala wouldn't serve the Baron, Khala wouldn't kill her own kin–Khala would care about the tears she shed.

But the new Khala had everything she could want on Giedi Prime. She didn't have to care about the water she was giving. This new Khala had food, water, a bed... but she didn't have any relationships except for the lies she was fed from Tatiana.

Promise //Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen// DuneWhere stories live. Discover now