47 - KHALA

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Giedi Prime, 10193

Tw: mature content

"What was that?" Feyd demanded, his voice low and dangerous, barely concealing the fury that simmered beneath the surface.

He had pulled her away as quickly as the formal had ended, his eyes blazing with fury, away from the arms of Lord Malvern.

Khala's heart quickened at the intensity of his gaze, a knot of unease forming in the pit of her stomach.

"It was nothing," she replied coolly, though her words rang hollow even to her own ears. She knew that Feyd saw through her facade, saw the turmoil that churned beneath her calm exterior.

"Nothing?" Feyd repeated incredulously, his voice rising with each word. "You were practically throwing yourself at him!"

Khala bristled at the accusation, her own anger rising to match his.

"I hate you! Why are you always like this?"

"Like what?" He retorted, stepping closer to her.

"Always being so fucking possessive, like we're even a thing!" She snapped.

His bright blue eyes darkened, the blue turning black. He was past hurt now. He stepped towards her slowly; dangerously.

"You're mine. And I tolerated it the first time you almost kissed him, but I won't any longer, not if it's the fourth time."

"I was doing what I had to do," she shot back, her voice tinged with defiance. "You think I enjoyed it?"

"You looked like it! You looked like you were ready to get on your knees and suck him off!" He yelled, his eyes flashing. He didn't take kindly to sharing his "possessions." Though he knew it was a necessity, he couldn't help wanting to keep what was his.

She looked at him incredulously.

"Oh please, if anyone was going to be getting on their knees, it would be you, eating me out like a starved man." she scoffed.

The moment those words left Leona's reckless mouth, she knew it was the wrong thing to say. She shut her mouth, hoping it would help the words crawl back into her mouth.


The change was immediate in the large room. The slip of words made the whole atmosphere change. The air turned thicker, hotter and heavier as she slowly turned around to see Feyd staring at her, his pupils dilated.

With each passing moment, a slow, simmering heat began to build within her, awakening a longing that pulsed with every beat of her heart. It started as a subtle whisper, a gentle tug of desire that stirred in the depths of her soul.

The corner of his lips hooked up in a small smile.

She felt it first as a fluttering in her chest, like the delicate wings of a butterfly brushing against her skin as she gazed into those lustful eyes of his.

With each passing second, the sensation grew stronger, igniting a fire that blazed with an intensity she could scarcely contain. It was as if every nerve ending in her body had come alive, tingling with anticipation at the mere thought of his touch. She longed to feel his hands upon her, to lose herself in the intoxicating rhythm of their passion. Physically, her body responded to the rising tide.

Her breath seemed to quicken as he slowly stalked towards her. His eyes followed her every minuscule move, from the way her legs clenched together to the way she wet her lips, he seemed to be watching everything.

He watched her reaction with a calculated caution, his eyes wandering around her body.

It was unlike anything she'd felt before. With Piter, she had hated the way his eyes travelled across her body, hated how Lord Malveryn had watched her... but Feyd's eyes lit a fire across her body, burning her face up.

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