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Arrakis, 10187

As Leonara stood in the desolate landscape, the weight of her sorrow bore down upon her like an unyielding burden. Each gust of wind seemed to carry with it whispers of her regrets, swirling around her like a relentless storm. The desert stretched out endlessly before her, mirroring the vast expanse of emptiness that now consumed her soul.

She abandoned the thopter she had once flown with feyd, trudging towards a rocky formation in the sand.

The memory of Feyd's pleading eyes burned into her consciousness, haunting her every thought. She replayed their final moments together in her mind, each tender word and caress now tainted by the betrayal that hung heavy in the air.

She could still feel the warmth of his embrace, the echo of his heartbeat against her own, but it offered her little solace amidst the wreckage of their shattered trust. A sense of loneliness enveloped her, suffocating her with its suffocating embrace. The once vibrant colors of the world seemed muted now, drained of their vitality in the wake of her decision.

Even the sun, blazing mercilessly overhead, cast long shadows that seemed to mock her anguish. As another tear trailed down her cheek, Leonara felt the weight of her guilt pressing down upon her like a vice. She had chosen duty over love, sacrificing the happiness she had found in Feyd's arms for the greater good. But in doing so, she had severed a part of herself, leaving behind a void that seemed impossible to fill.

The desert offered no reprieve, no sanctuary from the pain that threatened to consume her whole. Each step she took felt like a journey into the abyss, further away from the warmth of Feyd's embrace and deeper into the darkness of her own despair.

With a heavy heart, Leonara trudged forward, her footsteps echoing hollowly against the barren landscape. She knew that she would carry the weight of her decision with her always, a constant reminder of the love she had lost and the price she had paid for her allegiance. And as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the world into darkness, she could only hope that one day, she would find a way to forgive herself for the choices she had made.

"Don't waste your body's water, not even for your ex-fiancée," a voice called out from the shadows. Leonara sniffed, hastily wiping away the tracks of tears from her face.

"I was not," she retorted, her voice tinged with a mixture of defensiveness and resignation.

"Do not lie," the voice persisted.

"I'm sorry," Leonara whispered, her words barely audible over the wind.

"I'm sorry for you too," Chani said, her tone softened with understanding. Leonara managed a faint smile. She had contacted Chani through the transceiver last night, and Chani had then informed the sietch's residents of her arrival, hoping not to stir too much fear with her alien eyes.

"I did bring a lot of water in this thopter though. Enough for the whole tribe for a week, if rationed properly," Leonara offered, trying to change the subject.

Chani grinned in appreciation. "Thanks."

With a signal into the darkness, several other Fremen emerged, ready to assist.

"Bring the water in," Chani instructed, and they bowed in acknowledgment.

A man with a beard and piercing blue eyes stepped forward, his voice carrying a thick southern accent. "Is this the girl?"

"Yes, this is Leonara," Chani confirmed.

The man nodded. "I am Stilgar, leader of this sietch." Leonara nodded mutely, feeling the weight of his authority. "I want to personally thank you for helping us escape the Harkonnen grasp a few months ago. We would've died if not for you," Stilgar acknowledged, his tone sincere.

Leonara bowed her head, grateful for the recognition.

"Let's go in," Chani said gently, leading Leonara out of the windy desert and into the sietch. It was underground, built within several vast caverns of darkness. The murmurs of the Fremen filled the air as Leonara entered with her bloodshot brown eyes.



"Harkonnen filth."

The words stung as they reached Leonara's ears.

"Silence!" Stilgar's voice boomed, commanding the attention of the chamber. "This is the girl who warned us of the Harkonnens. This is a girl who has provided us with water for a week. This is a girl who can be very valuable. She knows our ways, she can speak our language." T

The cave fell silent as they scrutinized their unexpected savior. Her dark brown eyes met their bright blue ones with honesty and determination, yet also with a hint of guilt and anger. They couldn't deny that this girl was different.

"I stand before you not as the Harkonnen heir's ex-fiancee, but as a warrior of truth and justice," Leonara declared, her eyes ablaze with unwavering resolve. Her words reverberated through the cavernous chamber, each syllable carrying the weight of her conviction. "I offer myself to your cause, to fight alongside you in the battle against the Harkonnens. For I have walked in their halls, breathed their air, and seen the darkness that festers within. But I refuse to be bound by their principles, tainted by their corruption."

Her voice rose, filled with the fire of determination. "I possess knowledge that none among you have glimpsed. Insights into the workings of the Baron, the intricacies of his schemes. I have endured two years in the belly of the beast, and from that crucible, I emerge with a clarity of purpose. I can illuminate the path forward, guide us through the shadows that seek to engulf us."

With each word, Leonara's presence seemed to grow, her spirit igniting a flame within the hearts of those gathered. "Together, we can forge a future free from the tyranny of the Harkonnens. Together, we can rise against the darkness that threatens to consume us. Let my past be a testament to our shared resolve, a beacon of hope in the face of adversity. I pledge myself to your cause, to stand as a shield against our enemies and a beacon of light for our people."

For justice. For Feyd.

The silence broke into murmurs, then grew into excited chatter, finally exploding into cheers.

"Now!" Stilgar's voice cut through the noise, commanding attention once more. "I give her a name."

Leonara tensed, uncertain of what was to come. Stilgar paused, thinking for a good minute.

"Khala! For being our salvation—for being a true hero with golden morals!" Cheers erupted, and Chani gripped Leonara's hand, raising it high.

"Khala! Khala! Khala!"

AN: haha i lied, now it's the start of a new arc! So act I is officially complete! <3

also, for fremen words I will usually use arabic on google translate because that's what the fremen language is from. I typed in salvation in google translate, and it gave me khalas, which was a boy name so i changed it to khala!!

 I swear, there will still be feyd and leonara romance, please don't leabe yet :sob:

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